Book 'Patrimoines de fonte, fer et acier'

Patrimoine de fonte, fer et acier (2018, FABI)

Patrimoine de fonte, fer et acier. Architecture et ouvrage d’art
Editorial committee: Bernard Espion, Michael Provost, Romain Wibaut, Ine Wouters
FABI, 2018, 296 pages

In this book published by the FABI Heritage and History Committee, some fifty eminent specialists, engineers, architects, historians, professors and craftsmen, review the history of the structural use of iron and steel from the origins to the 1975's. General articles talk about the evolution of these materials and their shaping, typologies and technologies of iron and steel structures. In the introduction to this book, the most important stages in the evolution of ferrous metals and metal structures are presented in the form of historical landmarks that are placed on a timeline. Finally, a general bibliography and bibliographies specific to the various articles provide the reader with references, a glossary and some inserts complete this book intended for specialists and all those interested in the history of metal construction.