Documenting church roofs from 19th and early-20th century in the Brussels-Capital Region

Timber trusses at Saint Anthony of Padua's church in the City of Brussels

Documentation des charpentes des églises du XIXe siècle et début XXe siècle dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (1830-1940) / Documentatie van de 19e en begin 20e eeuwse kerkkappen in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (1830-1940)

This research project aims to answer the request of the Brussels-Capital Region ( to broaden knowledge about the construction, significance and heritage of its 19th and 20th century churches. This project fits in with the series of research financed by on the typology of timber frames (Typologie de la charpente en région bruxelloise, on-going) and on church heritage (Les églises à Bruxelles : un riche patrimoine face au défi de la réaffectation, 2014). By bringing new insight on church roofs construction,the present study aims to integrate new technical and constructive aspects to the actual heritage value assessment of churches in the Brussesl-Capital Region in order to support proper maintenance and future feasibility studies for possible restoration or redevelopment.

In 2021 the research is published in the new series Urban.Research#001. The book can be downloaded for free via the website of