Renovation of buildings from 1860-1920 with a metallic framework

Connection cast iron column- wrought iron truss

Technical drawing of steel framed building (Bron: Openbare werken 5660, 1910. © Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles/Archief van de Stad Brussel)

Research project funded by FWO (2007-2010) supervised by Ine Wouters and Jean Vereecken. The goal of the research was to compile a reference work for the reuse of buildings from 1860-1920 with a metallic structural framework. Taking the existing national and international literature (about the Belgian Architecture, restoration techniques and the reuse of iron and steel structures) into account, this comes to the determination of the international role of heritage buildings, gathering and completing data about production techniques, materials, construction details, building- and calculation techniques on the structural steelwork of Belgian buildings from 1860-1920 and finally distillating a methodology for the reuse of structural steelwork.

The project resulted in the PhD thesis of Michael de Bouw entitled 'Brussels Model Schools (1860-1920). Structural assessment of the metal roof trusses' which was defended in 2010.