At VUB you do more than just study. Here, you shape your identity. Sign up for a socially relevant project, learn a new language or start up your own business: the possibilities are endless. As long as you believe in yourself.
Study abroad
Broaden your horizons. Spend a few months studying or on an internship abroad, and return with lots of new insights, (life) experiences and international connections.
Become a student entrepreneur
You think starting a business a never-ending task? On the contrary. With the right preparation and guidance, it is exciting, pleasant, informative and achievable! With Start.VUB you will make the step towards entrepreneurship.
Optional course: Reason and Engage
The 'Reason and Engage' course option brings students from various study backgrounds and a Brussels organisation together, to work on a specific socially relevant project.
Become a volunteer
Make your contribution by registering as a volunteer. In VUB alone, there are plenty of opportunities: from a buddy system for (international) students to a GreenTeam and a tutoring service for young people in Brussels.
Do an internship
Try out your future job while studying by opting to do a (voluntary) internship. You can find the different options for each faculty here.
Summer & Winter Schools
Even during winter and summer breaks, you can enjoy compelling study programmes in diverse fields.
Language courses
Brush up on your knowledge of English, French, German or Spanish, learn a completely new language or prove your multilingual skills by taking an official language test.
Audiovisual lending service
Looking for film material? Or want to start a podcast? You can borrow audiovisual material for your projects for free as a student.
Career coaching
Prepare well for your recruitment adventure with the support of VUB Career coaching. And don’t forget to connect to the VUB alumni network to continue to enjoy many VUB benefits.