In the event sector, structures are often left behind after use, ready to be thrown away. This leads to
increased waste and CO2 emissions. However, if 75% of structures were reusable, waste production would be up to 3.5 times lower.
By designing these temporary structures to be lightweight, modular and reconfigurable, they are
more efficient for short-term use and reuse. However, current solutions are difficult to assemble or
lack variation to achieve different configurations. When multiple configurations are possible, they
usually consist only of beams and do not include walls or provide coverage.
Therefore, this research will focus on investigating a lightweight plate-based building system for
temporary, reconfigurable and structural applications. First, a geometrical system will be investigated that can later be translated into a plate-based system. Here, materials and connections are crucial. Finally, all results will be combined in a prototype to show the feasibility of the system.
This research will not only produce a prototype, but also a guide to the operation of this innovative
building system that will allow optimal use and reuse. In addition, the results of the geometrical
study and the development of a slab system and computational methods will be valuable in both the event and construction industries for future innovations.