March 2020

First circular building award for alumna Mieke Vandenbroucke

An article from (Wouter Polspoel). Photo


At the Batibouw fair, alumna Mieke Vandenbroucke received the very first Circubuild-award. The award is a trophy for pioneers in circular building that will be passed on. Vandenbroucke can choose herself to whom she passes the prize.

The Circubuild-award wants to acknowledge the merit of people who are pioneers in the field of circular building. This is certainly the case for Mieke Vandenbroucke. She is an expert in sustainable building at non-profit VIBE, guest lecturer at UHasselt and aluma of VUB Architectural Engineering. After obtaining her Master's degree in Architectural Engineering Sciences, she was awarded a PhD in 2016 under the promotorship of prof. Niels De Temmerman and Wim Debacker.

At VUB, Mieke collaborated on many of the first circular building projects, for example for OVAM and the BAMB project. Mieke helped to establish the research group's close relationship with the field, and her research still is part of the basis for many consultancy projects today. Mieke is also very proud. "All initiatives that contribute to the transition towards a circular construction economy are extremely welcome".

Many people in Belgium are working on circular building and therefore it was decided to make it a trophy that will be passed on. The intention is to have the ceremonial moment of handover take place at a circular building event each time. To whom Mieke will pass on the award, she keeps under consideration for a while.

Congratulations Mieke!