September 2021

Student internship in Belgium or abroad

Master student Emma Rodriguez-Munoz is controlling construction works in Benin. Under the supervision of the French engineering office EREMCO she is performing a 2 months internship at the historic site of Fort Portugais in Ouidah. Emma is immersed in practice and discovering a new building culture that celebrates the pouring of a concrete slab extensively!

Yet, you do not have to travel for your internship. Many Belgian construction companies are willing to supervise you. Master students Yannick Scheerlinck, Ahmed Soliman, Ellen Leemans, Erik Van Eyck and Samir Kennoun are now experiencing life at BAM Interbuild, Konligo, Gilion, 1010 architecture urbanism bv and BESIX Engineering.

Are you also interested in a summer internship in an enterprise in Belgium or abroad? Contact Ann Verdonck. Lars De Laet can inform you about bursaries for internships abroad.