Building Information Modelling: the Belgian guide for construction
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is drastically reshaping methods and procedures in construction industry, not only in Belgium, but in whole Europe and even the entire world. BIM is not just a new trend, it is a paradigm shift supported by an entirely new way of thinking and doing.
Instead of keeping all stakeholders in the construction of a building in their own small islands of information, BIM allows to make bridges between stakeholders and to build higher quality constructions, in a shorter amount of time and with lower failure costs, thanks to an efficient collaboration.
Using BIM software at design stage has by now proven a return of investment of 20 times the cost of making the BIM model in the assembly phase and of 60 times the cost making the BIM model in the building operation phase. The potential is huge and the benefits are felt by all stakeholders in the building life-cycle.
- By the architectural designer: reduction of design errors and thus lower failure costs.
- By the contractor and subcontractors: more efficient building process, less failure costs.
- By the engineering offices: better integration between technical and architectural design.
- By the third party control office: more efficient checking of building construction quality.
- By the facility manager: better informed management and improved building operation.
The combination of these benefits ensures the building owner a better building at a lower cost. These benefits have been recognised in many countries by now and resulted in a considerable number of national BIM guideline documents, BIM norms, and BIM handbooks. These documents present practical guidelines allowing stakeholders to implement BIM in a nationally agreed manner.
The current BIM handbook for Belgian construction industry aims to do the same thing for Belgium. It presents a set of practical rules and recommendations which allow a BIM process manager to elaborate his own project-specific BIM protocol with all the different stakeholders involved. Following the BIM protocol outlined in this BIM handbook will allow you as a stakeholder to change the way you work and boost your business in architecture and construction.
The BIM handbook for Belgian construction industry was developed by François Denis under the supervision of prof. Niels De Temmerman (ARCH, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and prof. Yves Rammer (BATir, Université Libre de Bruxelles) under the auspices of the Association of major Belgian contractors ADEB-VBA and based on the input of various stakeholder representatives. These representatives are members of ADEB-VBA (BAM, CFE, Kumpen and BESIX), members of the association of architects G30 (Bureau II & Archi +I), the professional organisation for engineering offices and consultancy ORI, representative for the third party inspection services SECO and the Belgian chapter of the international facility management association IFMA.
You can download the complete handbook for free, directly from the website of ADEB/VBA:
Denis F. et al. (2015) Building Information Modelling: Belgian guide for the
construction Industry. Brussels, ADEB/VBA.
If you are interested in implementing the Belgian BIM protocol in your company or project,
you are welcome to contact our researchers.