One for all, all for one

Because our students and staff are ideally placed to keep a finger on the pulse of our community and have strong ideas for improving the functioning of our university, they can come to us for support with their well-being or health project. We would like to highlight a few projects below. 

Like to know more? Make sure to check out the initiatives in regards to The World Needs You.

The World Needs You


Podcast series: The Corona Gap

In the 3-part podcast series 'The Corona Gap', about how COVID19 widens the gap between students, 8 communication studies students look for ways to close that gap.

Creative Workshop

The Creative Workshop, the name says it all, is a space set up as a workshop where everyone is welcome to express their creativity. You can paint, write, draw and much more here. It is not about the final result, but about freedom and relaxation. This way you can escape from the deadlines and obligations that student life brings.

Start To Talk

Start To Talk is an initiative of BeMSA VUB, the local branch of the Belgian Medical Students' Association. The organisation runs a chat room for students in need of a chat. Together with other students and moderators, you can talk anonymously in small groups about things that are difficult for you.

Research institutions, companies or individual researchers who want to start a research project on well-being can contact the Well-Being Research contact group, led by Academic Advisor Valery-Ann Jacobs.

I want to start an academic research project on well-being 


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