Broaden your international horizons with EUTOPIA
EUTOPIA is an educational project that transcends national borders. It is a prestigious collaboration between six European universities, in which the VUB plays a pioneering role. The project is challenge-oriented, student-centered, place-based and inclusive. Together, the members of the EUTOPIA alliance are working to create the ultimate European university of the future.
That the VUB plays a pioneering role in Eutopia is logical, because for VUB'ers there are few borders. More than that: VUB'ers are world citizens, constantly looking for ways to broaden their horizons. And that goes for you too, of course.
At EUTOPIA, you become a true European citizen and lifelong learner, concerned and committed to the future of our planet and humanity. You will travel around Europe and work with students and members from all over the world. In the process, you develop the educations of future generations. Moreover, you promote the inclusion of everyone, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, sexual orientation and so on. You also pay attention to the relationship between that ideal inclusiveness agenda on the one hand and problems of financial inequality on the other. That you gain a wealth of unique skills and knowledge in the process goes without saying. And oh yes, your resume will only get stronger as a result. Sounds like music to your ears, right? EUTOPIA needs you. Help build the future of education in Europe from the front line!
Contact details
Projectleader: Lize De Potter
Usquare.Brussels (Building F-Mezzanine): Kroonlaan 227 - 1050 Elsene
*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.