What is a fund?
Within VUB, we establish funds whose resources are used for specific research and education. We do fundraising for this. Is there a specific topic that particularly excites you? Invest in your passion by making a financial contribution to a fund of your choice. Or set up a fund under your own name. Do you have questions about this? Contact us foundation@vub.be
Your tax benefit
A financial contribution to VUB (through a chair, a project, a fund, a gift) is beneficial not just from a social perspective, but from a tax perspective too. Private individuals receive a tax certificate for a financial contribution over € 40. Companies and organizations are entitled to a tax deduction or a deductible item as a business expense.
Fast forward to the fund of your choice:

Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund for students
What about students who are having a tough time? Sometimes talent, commitment, and dedication are not enough to earn a degree. To continue providing equal educational opportunities, Deputy Rector Caroline Pauwels established an emergency fund for students. Together, we contribute to a resilient and inclusive society.
VUB-UZB Paul De Knop Fund for immunotherapy
Prof. Dr. Bart Neyns and his research team are achieving remarkable success in the fight against cancer with their experimental immunotherapy. But although cancer survival rates are higher today than in the past, more fundamental and clinical research is still needed.

Yamina Krossa Fund
Prof. Dr. Damya Laoui and her team (VUB-VIB) are investigating a cancer vaccine against metastasis. By injecting dendritic cells, which are part of the human immune system, they aim to slow the growth of tumours. Additional resources are needed for clinical trials.
Casman & Michielsens Fund
The Master of Laws in the Notary Profession at VUB is one of the largest notary programmes in Flanders. However, the programme is under pressure due to cutbacks in Flemish government funding. To preserve the existence of this respected and necessary course of education, your support is vital.

Fund for natural sciences in society
This fund supports the Solvay Science project, the STEM Support Centre Brussels and the Physics and Astronomy Department at VUB. The goal? Awakening enthusiasm in young people from secondary education about these studies.
Andrée and Franz Bingen Fund
To offer equal opportunities to students with financial difficulties from Vesalius College, the annual Honours Essay Prize (worth 500 euros) and the semi-annual Senior Scholarship Award (worth 1,200 euros) are available to senior undergraduate students.

Fund for research on quality care to the end of life
For over 25 years, the research group Zorg rond het Levenseinde, led by professors Luc Deliëns (VUB) and Freddy Mortier (UGent), has been conducting research into a more dignified end of life for everyone. With this fund, the research group raises financial resources to further support the accessibility of euthanasia and the timely deployment of end-of-life and palliative care services. This fund helps assure that the quality of life can be effectively improved to the end.
VUB Scientific Support Fund
Support avant-garde multidisciplinary scientific studies and let research be truly free. Your contribution gives financial latitude to independent thinkers. And that leads to creative, innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole. This fund aims to raise 25,000 euros annually for scientific awards and the organisation of seminars.

Luc Bucquoye Fund
Every year, the Faculty of Languages and Humanities awards the Luc Bucquoye prize or the VUB literature prize. It goes to an author of Dutch-language work that demonstrates reasonable individuality. The fund also strives to promote the humanities within multidisciplinary scientific research.
Fund for research on the values of socio-economic order
This fund aims to finance Prof. Koen Byttebier's research on the values of socio-economic order over 5 years.

AVN Fund
The AVN Fund supports a 4-year doctoral fellowship in the research area of nuclear safety and radiation protection. The fund finances 1 doctoral scholarship every 4 years. The current doctoral dissertation is on H-SURF and will conclude in 2022.
VUB Duchenne Fund for gene therapy
Through the VUB Duchenne Fund, the university is investing in the promising gene therapy research led by Prof. Dr. Thierry VandenDriessche and Prof. Dr. Marinee Chuah as a cure for the muscle disease, which affects 1 in 3,500 boys worldwide.

VUB Hugo Thienpont Fund for STEAM
The fund aims to promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics & Medicine) activities and initiatives of primarily its VUB research group B-PHOT Brussels Photonics in Flanders in order to provide future generations with as many opportunities as possible to develop scientifically and technologically at the service of society.