Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Kick-off @VUB UResidence
Within the framework of a Eutopia European University Learning Community, academics from five different universities (VUB Brussels, CY Cergy-Paris, UPF Barcelona, UNILJ Ljubljana, UBB Cluj) are currently collaborating on 'urban education'. The ultimate goal within this Learning Community is to co-creatively design a virtual educational tour in various European cities, where participants follow in the virtual footsteps of pupils, tapping into strengths and challenges related to education in a "super-diverse" context. This tour fits within the development of a blended course on Urban Education in European Capital Cities. This exchange ambitions (1) to design crucial ingredients of the blended course and its educational tour and (2) to exchange on the integration of new technologies in function of the online component of the course.
Between March 27th and 31st 2023, a physical exchange takes place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and in the Brussels Metropolitan area. The activities in the city (regarding geographic, socio-economic, cultural contrasts and inequalities, situating schools in the living environment), workshops and presentations serve as a stepping stone to co-creating hybrid course urban education in European capital cities.
BIP Brussels Program