
Thursday, 7 November, 2024 - 16:00 until 18:00
VUB Main Campus Etterbeek
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene
Promotiezaal D.2.01
Registration until 

Public defense to obtain the degree of Doctor of Adult Educational Sciences  (VUB) and Doctor of Health Sciences (UG) of Suzannah D'Hooghe

Title: PERCEPTION MATTERS: The Role of the Perceived Peri-urban Environment in Physical Activity and Eating Behavior among Adults in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Situations 


  • Prof. Dr. Sarah Dury (VUB)
  • Prof. Dr. Benedicte Deforche (UG)
  • Dr. Karin De Ridder (Sciensano)


ps: the defense will be held in English

Download the description of the doctoral thesis