In the lively student’s associations scene, one of the atypical is BeerCulture. This society offers yearly 100 + n beers to taste; n being the number of years they are operating, so this year one can expect a range of 112 beers of all kinds and colours. Not only Belgian beers, it certainly isn’t a chauvinistic society. It is all about looking for and finding the right beer to your taste. But of course, the rich Belgian beer tradition is there to discover.


Today’s beer day is framed in a beer week in which several beer moments are planned. It started with a campfire and barbecue and every day, one of the meals in the students’ restaurant is prepared with beer and ideally should be consumed with a pint of the same brand. Those following the culinary trends know since many years that wine has lost its exclusive position to accompany a gastronomical plate. No wonder that also in this field the Belgian cuisine is outstanding.


BeerCulture aims to be accessible for all. Membership only costs €3, and you get a lot in return. Amongst that, count the classical student activities such as cantusses (addmores) and a baptism. Most popular however are the pub crawls in Brussels. They avoid the trendy places and purposely look for the better quality (of beer serving), not only downtown and certainly not in the “1000-beers-tourist-traps”. They intendedly restrain the number of pubs to be visited to 3 or 4, no more: focussing on quality, one bottle being divided over several tasting glasses. The one who wishes to discover the real Brussels the cheap way is at the right address with BeerCulture. In short you will find with them an exquisite friends circle and a tasty and sustainable alternative for the common Jupiler draughts or that boring white/red/rosé wine. Please note that this society is not an exclusive men’s club: preceding the current chairman three women held that honourable position!


This beer day also warmly welcomes professors, assistants and administrative personnel: the more tasting, the better the conclusions!