Thinking must never submit itself,
neither to a dogma,
nor to a party,
nor to a passion,
nor to an interest,
nor to a preconceived idea,
nor to anything whatsoever,
except to the facts themselves,
because for it to submit to anything else would be the end of its existence.
- Henri Poincaré, 1909 -
“Facebook has a hidden power, that we all just take for granted. These kind of issues I like to challenge, by stating there is another way, that is was different only six months ago. The funny thing with new media is that no one ever says: can we take a turn in the other direction? It appears as if we are only allowed to move forward, ever giving more of our rights up and ever becoming more dependent. Corporations tell us: this is the future. It becomes almost unthinkable to imagine another future”, says Heyman.
Rob Heyman
Rob Heyman is a researcher, connected to the research centre iMinds-SMIT at VUB. He obtained his PhD on the EMSOC study, more specifically on the topic of advertising and privacy in social media. Before starting at EMSOC, Heyman majored in philosophy and communication studies at VUB.