Dear colleague,
Dear student,
Last week, on Thursday December 1st, the Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus in Etterbeek and the Brussels Health Campus in Jette received two bomb threats that, luckily, turned out to be false. Nevertheless, we took all the necessary measures to guarantee your safety.
I would explicitly like to thank you for the calmness and discipline you showed while following the directives of the safety officers. I would also like to thank the security and crisis team, the evacuation coordinators of all departments and buildings, and everybody at the Pleinlaan 9 offices (Etterbeek) and the restaurant (Jette) who offered shelter.
Since then, we have analysed the implementation of the security plan and communication during and after the evacuation, and we will follow up on the lessons learned.
We never want to experience a day like December 1st again. But on that day, we showed that we are a true community, in good times and bad.
If you have any comments that could contribute to improving our security policy, please contact Nic Van Craen, general administrator at
With kind regards,
Caroline Pauwels