Lien Creuwels of Mens&Organisatie is one of the people responsible for training and development ofVUB staff. She explains why there is a need for such a platform.


“Several central departments already offered training initiatives within their own expertise areas. Often through separate communication channels. Unfortunately that was not very clear to users. Today we developed a central communication channel where all these departments can promote their offerings together. From now on the VUB LRN platform offers that central one-stop shop for all VUB employees.”

VUB LRN is the centrale one-stop shop for all training initiatives for VUB staff members

Training programs per target group and theme

On the platform you can find relevant offerings for training and development for 4 easy to recognise target groups:

  • Management & professionals (ATP)
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Senior academic staff.


These groups all have there separate pages and within each target group you can consequently explore the offerings per theme. For example, an administrative force who wishes to refine his English can click on the theme ‘languages’, a manager that wants to work on the resilience of his or her team can find options under the heading ‘leadership’ and a senior academic staff member who wants to delve into activating students during lectures can do so in the theme ‘education’.


Lien Creuwels: “VUB LRN gives you an overview and points you in the right direction to register for the scheduled sessions or get in touch with the organising departments.” [Story continues under the image]

Develop and connect


Mens&Organisatie collaborated with among others Research & Data management (R&D) and Education & Student Affairs (OS).


Loren Pauwels of R&D:


“To VUB the (self-)development of employees and connecting people and departments is of great importance. The rector rightly wants to turn this into a focus point. We are a knowledge institution that wants to contribute to society; by educating young people, by supporting research and by caring for our colleagues. In order for that warm VUB community to face the challenges of tomorrow, we want to give staff members the opportunity to continue to grow and be more consciously active participants in their own development and career. Starting the VUB LRN platform reflects our effort to keep on improving the support we offer in this matter.”



VUB LRN can be found at For all your questions, remarks, suggestions or needs concerning the platform, please email