Become a successful young entrepreneur thanks to StartLAB.Brussels!

Are you a VUB graduate who has an idea for an innovative project, but doesn't know where to start to build a solid foundation? Or have you already started, but want to test your business model? Would you like to be challenged and guided by a network of experts? Do you wish to actively join a strong community? Do you want to have a significant impact on society? Then StartLAB.Brussels is for you!

StartLAB.Brussels is a program designed by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs of all backgrounds and therefore the go-to place for young entrepreneurs like you. Thanks to this initiative you can count on support from idea to impact. StartLAB.Brussels offers you tools and knowledge that it acquires thanks to its unique position within the universities and the Belgian entrepreneurial ecosystem. Moreover, StartLAB.BRUSSELS is a diverse, dynamic, ambitious, and innovative community.

More specifically, StartLAB.Brussels encourages (future) student-entrepreneurs like you to develop themselves through its guidance, knowledge, and access to a broad network. Thanks to the incubation program (consisting of mentorships, workshops, coaching, co-working, masterclasses, networking events, and much more) StartLAB.Brussels will guide you in all your entrepreneurial steps. In addition, the project will strengthen the relationships between you as a student-entrepreneur and your (potential) partners. Moreover, through the project, you will contribute to society, as you will promote economic growth through impact, technology, innovation, and sustainability. So don't hesitate and apply for StartLAB.Brussels!

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You are...
  • A VUB graduate with a passion for entrepreneurship or interested in learning more about it
  • Ambitious
  • Interested in entrepreneurship
You have...
  • Sense of making a significant difference
  • An idea for an innovative project or an interesting project that is already running
  • An interest in learning more about entrepreneurship
What's in it for you?
  • Coaching by entrepreneurs who have tons of experience in the field
  • You get access to a network of experts
  • You can attend master classes à la carte
  • You are a member of a broad entrepreneurial community
  • You get access to co-working
  • You can participate in enriching events


Help young people become successful entrepreneurs with StartLab.Brussels!

Are you passionate about entrepreneurship? Are you an entrepreneur with a few years of experience? Do you feel it is important to pass on your knowledge to the next generation of young talents? Then StartLAB.BRUSSELS, the incubator for young entrepreneurs, is for you!

StartLAB.Brussels is a program designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs of all backgrounds. Thanks to its unique position within the universities and the Belgian entrepreneurial ecosystem, the project has a very wide network of participants. The project aims to pass on all the knowledge, experience, and advice of experienced entrepreneurs to young, ambitious entrepreneurs. As a specialist in your field, you are an important factor in this!

In concrete terms, you will support the young entrepreneurs and their project from idea to impact through StartLAB.Brussels. You do this by using the tools and knowledge you have gathered during your years of experience. You give them tips, advice, and new insights that may make their project more successful. This makes the project the ideal first step towards a great career for young entrepreneurs. Moreover, as an entrepreneur, you will be part of a broad community of coaches and/or advisors through StartLAB.Brussels. The project is therefore the ideal place to broaden your network. It will also give you new insights and help you to make the dreams of young entrepreneurs come true. On the program: fascinating exchanges and encounters with young people who need challenge and encouragement! So don't hesitate and join us!

More info


You are…
  • An entrepreneur who is passionate about their profession
You have…
  • Several years of experience in entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge and experience that you want to share with young, ambitious entrepreneurs
  • A sense of assisting and advising
What’s in it for you?
  • You will have access to a broad network of fellow experts
  • You will be part of a broad entrepreneurial community
  • You get access to co-working
  • You can participate in enriching events


Contactgegeve details

Projectleader: Thomas Crispeels


TEL: 0487713503 (Hassan Haddouchi)

*As an Urban Engaged University, we call upon our VUB community to help build a better world through social engagement. On the "The World Needs You" platform, the VUB collects socially meaningful projects on which students, staff, alumni and sympathisers can collaborate. These projects do not represent the university. The initiatives and communication are the responsibility of the project organisers and do not represent the university's position.