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Study programmes
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Combining work and study
Personal development during your studies
Lifelong learning options
Short courses
Language courses
Why study at VUB?
Campus life
Tailor-made education
In Brussels
High quality education
Study choice & preparation
Prior knowledge and preparation
Guidance with your study choice
Events for prospective students
Everyone is welcome
Diverse and inclusive
Studying in special situations
First year students at VUB
Student athletes
International students
Application and enrolment
How to apply
Admission requirements and deadlines
After your enrolment
Entry exam and calibration tests
Starting in the second semester
VUB Student Housing
Health and well-being
Study guidance
Student Information
How much does studying cost?
Student administration
Class and exam schedules
Books and course materials
E-tools and portals
Regulations and insurance
Graduating at VUB
Feedback and complaints
Exams and deliberations
Our education
Vision and policy
Education quality
Menu group
Menu group
Our research
Menu group
Pioneering research at VUB
Research in figures
Become a researcher at VUB?
Excellent research at VUB
Our research groups
Videos and podcasts by our scientists
Vision and mission
Optimal research environment
International and interdisciplinary research culture
Participatory and community-based research
Inclusive, open, and networking community of researchers
Policy and structure
Research administration
Ethics Committees & Data Protection Office
Research Council
Earning a doctorate
Doctoral study programme
Doctoral Education and Doctoral Schools
Innovating together
Menu group
Innovation in the spotlight
Innovation at the VUB
Cooperating with VUB
Technologies and expertise
Licensing opportunities
Spin-off portfolio
Incubators & research parks
Launching your entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship education
How to start a spin-off?
Incubation & infrastructure
Student entrepreneurs
Valorising research
How and what?
International relations
Menu group
Projects & Programmes
What we do & how you can reach us
University Development Cooperation
Student refugees & scholars at risk
Prospective international students
Welcome desk international office
Exchange & Erasmus projects
International collaboration
Partners & networks
Knowledge Hubs
Cultural Diplomacy
Main navigation
About VUB
University of the future
Urban engaged university
Compassionate university
The world needs you
Working on sustainability
Working on inclusion
Working on well-being
Connected to Brussels, Europe and the world
Public programme
Pauwels Academy of Critical Thinking
History and philosophy
How it started
50 years of VUB
What we stand for
Doctores Honoris Causa
Partners & networks
Brussels education partners
International collaboration
Administrative and consultative bodies
Daily management
Key data
General Strategic Plan
Annual report
Facts and figures
Academic calendar
Visual identity
Faculties, institutes and campuses
Our faculties
Institutes, academies & centres
Campus developments
Campus access and parking
VUB for all
VUB Choir
Humanist Sculpture Park
Helden van het verzet
Aloïs Gerlo
Andrée de Jonghe
Isidore Bataboudila
Rie Goethals
Rudolf Schönberg
Yvonne Nèvejean
By bike
By car
Public transport
Te voet
Nature on our campuses
University Library and Archives
Central library
Medical library
CAVA University Archive
Daycare centres
Practical information
Daycare centre Etterbeek
Daycare centre Jette
Organise your activity on campus
Activity request VUB Main Campus
Activity request VUB Health Campus
Requests for outdoor activities
AV services - Event support
Promotional activities on campus
Renting cultural venues at Pilar
Use the sports infrastructure
Campus management
Services campus management
Food & drink
VUB restaurant Etterbeek
VUB restaurant Jette
Other catering facilities on campus
Sustainable food and drink
Sports and exercise at VUB
Vision and Mission
Sports infrastructure
Basic Fit Jette
Our sports offer
Sports competitions
Practical information
Health and safety
Medical doctors
Dental Care
University Hospital and specialists
Medical and psychosocial services
Emergency services and safety
Reporting Helplines
Other services
Accommodation on and around our campuses
Shops and copy centres
bpost parcel lockers
For organisations and businesses
Partnerships with VUB
Promotional activities on campus
Student work, internships and vacancies
Information for suppliers
Room reservations
Working for the VUB
Many different jobs
How to apply
Why work for the VUB
10/10 for fun and friendship
Inspiring encounters
VUB'ers in the picture
Employment conditions and benefits
International career
Immigration & visa
Work permit
Residence permit
Social security and taxes
Bank account
Donate to VUB
The VUB Foundation
VUB funds
Projects in the spotlight
Leave a bequest to VUB
Active chairs
Raise money
Tax benefits
Alumni services
Campus benefits
Online benefits
VUB merchandise
Digital alumni card
Event support
Career inspiration
Do you need a copy of your diploma?
Strong alumni network
VUB alumni network
VUB alumni associations
International VUB alumni associations
Wall of Faces
Mentors & professionals
Become an active alumnus
Discussion forum Dedicated Thinkers
Mentors & Professionals
Apply to work at your alma mater
For new graduates
Tips & tricks for your CV and cover letter
Tips & tricks for your LinkedIn profile
Inspiration from our Mentors & Professionals
Career coaching
Jobs at the VUB
Job platform & database
VUB Alumni Office
Go to overview
Go to overview
Primary menu Study
Menu group
Study programmes
Find your study programme
Highlighted menu group
Combining work and study
Personal development during your studies
Lifelong learning options
Short courses
Language courses
Why study at VUB?
Campus life
Tailor-made education
In Brussels
High quality education
Study choice & preparation
Prior knowledge and preparation
Guidance with your study choice
Events for prospective students
Everyone is welcome
Diverse and inclusive
Studying in special situations
First year students at VUB
Student athletes
International students
Application and enrolment
How to apply
Admission requirements and deadlines
After your enrolment
Entry exam and calibration tests
Starting in the second semester
VUB Student Housing
Health and well-being
Study guidance
Student Information
How much does studying cost?
Student administration
Class and exam schedules
Books and course materials
E-tools and portals
Regulations and insurance
Graduating at VUB
Feedback and complaints
Exams and deliberations
Our education
Vision and policy
Education quality
Menu group
Menu group
Our research
Primary menu Research
Menu group
Pioneering research at VUB
Research in figures
Become a researcher at VUB?
Excellent research at VUB
Our research groups
Videos and podcasts by our scientists
Vision and mission
Optimal research environment
International and interdisciplinary research culture
Participatory and community-based research
Inclusive, open, and networking community of researchers
Policy and structure
Research administration
Ethics Committees & Data Protection Office
Research Council
Earning a doctorate
Doctoral study programme
Doctoral Education and Doctoral Schools
Innovating together
Primary menu Innovation
Menu group
Innovation in the spotlight
Innovation at the VUB
Cooperating with VUB
Technologies and expertise
Licensing opportunities
Spin-off portfolio
Incubators & research parks
Launching your entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship education
How to start a spin-off?
Incubation & infrastructure
Student entrepreneurs
Valorising research
How and what?
International relations
Primary menu International
Menu group
Projects & Programmes
What we do & how you can reach us
University Development Cooperation
Student refugees & scholars at risk
Prospective international students
Welcome desk international office
Exchange & Erasmus projects
International collaboration
Partners & networks
Knowledge Hubs
Cultural Diplomacy
Main navigation
About VUB
University of the future
Urban engaged university
Compassionate university
The world needs you
Working on sustainability
Working on inclusion
Working on well-being
Connected to Brussels, Europe and the world
Public programme
Pauwels Academy of Critical Thinking
History and philosophy
How it started
50 years of VUB
What we stand for
Doctores Honoris Causa
Partners & networks
Brussels education partners
International collaboration
Administrative and consultative bodies
Daily management
Key data
General Strategic Plan
Annual report
Facts and figures
Academic calendar
Visual identity
Faculties, institutes and campuses
Our faculties
Institutes, academies & centres
Campus developments
Campus access and parking
VUB for all
VUB Choir
Humanist Sculpture Park
Helden van het verzet
Aloïs Gerlo
Andrée de Jonghe
Isidore Bataboudila
Rie Goethals
Rudolf Schönberg
Yvonne Nèvejean
By bike
By car
Public transport
Te voet
Nature on our campuses
University Library and Archives
Central library
Medical library
CAVA University Archive
Daycare centres
Practical information
Daycare centre Etterbeek
Daycare centre Jette
Organise your activity on campus
Activity request VUB Main Campus
Activity request VUB Health Campus
Requests for outdoor activities
AV services - Event support
Promotional activities on campus
Renting cultural venues at Pilar
Use the sports infrastructure
Campus management
Services campus management
Food & drink
VUB restaurant Etterbeek
VUB restaurant Jette
Other catering facilities on campus
Sustainable food and drink
Sports and exercise at VUB
Vision and Mission
Sports infrastructure
Basic Fit Jette
Our sports offer
Sports competitions
Practical information
Health and safety
Medical doctors
Dental Care
University Hospital and specialists
Medical and psychosocial services
Emergency services and safety
Reporting Helplines
Other services
Accommodation on and around our campuses
Shops and copy centres
bpost parcel lockers
For organisations and businesses
Partnerships with VUB
Promotional activities on campus
Student work, internships and vacancies
Information for suppliers
Room reservations
Working for the VUB
Many different jobs
How to apply
Why work for the VUB
10/10 for fun and friendship
Inspiring encounters
VUB'ers in the picture
Employment conditions and benefits
International career
Immigration & visa
Work permit
Residence permit
Social security and taxes
Bank account
Donate to VUB
The VUB Foundation
VUB funds
Projects in the spotlight
Leave a bequest to VUB
Active chairs
Raise money
Tax benefits
Alumni services
Campus benefits
Online benefits
VUB merchandise
Digital alumni card
Event support
Career inspiration
Do you need a copy of your diploma?
Strong alumni network
VUB alumni network
VUB alumni associations
International VUB alumni associations
Wall of Faces
Mentors & professionals
Become an active alumnus
Discussion forum Dedicated Thinkers
Mentors & Professionals
Apply to work at your alma mater
For new graduates
Tips & tricks for your CV and cover letter
Tips & tricks for your LinkedIn profile
Inspiration from our Mentors & Professionals
Career coaching
Jobs at the VUB
Job platform & database
VUB Alumni Office
Go to overview
Work Form / استمارة عمل
First Name / الاسم
Last Name / اسم العائلة
Email / البريد الالكتروني
Phone Number / رقم الجوال
Address (street name, building number) / (العنوان (اسم الشارع ورقم البناء
Address (street name, building number) / اسم الشارع ورقم البناء
Address (zipcode, municipality) / (العنوان (الرمز البريدي واسم البلدية
City/Town - اسم المدينة
ZIP/Postal Code - الرمز البريدي
Date of birth / تاريخ الميلاد
Place of birth(city- state) / مكان الميلاد (اسم المدينة - اسم الدولة)
My source of income is: / مصدر دخلي حالياً هو:
Social services/الرعاية الاجتماعية
unemployed (dop)/Chomage/البطالة
Other / آخر
I would like to work for the Alef project by teaching Arabic to children / أود العمل في مشروع ألف لتعليم اللغة العربية للأولاد كـ
volunteer / متطوع
paid employee / بأجر
I just would like to be involved / لا يهم أود المشاركة في المشروع بأي طريقة
ID Card / البطاقة الشخصية
Add your file
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28 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
CV / السيرة الذاتية
Add your file
One file only.
28 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Can you speak other languages? / هل تتكلم لغات أخرى؟
What is the highest degree you have achieved / ماهي أعلى شهادة حصلت عليها؟
Name and country of your university / ما اسم الجامعة واسم بلد الإصدار؟
Have you done other studies or training courses? / هل قمت بدراسة أخرى أو دورات تدريبية؟
Do you have teaching experience? If you answer yes, tell us about it. / هل لديك خبرة في التدريس؟ في حال الإجابة بنعم أخبرنا عنها
Are you open to dealing with modern teaching methods? If yes, what does the term modern teaching methods mean to you? Give us some examples if possible / هل أنت منفتح على التعامل مع طرق التدريس الحديثة؟ في حال الإجابة بنعم ماذا يعني لك مصطلح طرق تدريس حديثة؟ اذكر لنا بعض الأمثلة إذا أمكن
Do you have experience in other businesses? If you answer yes, tell us about it. / هل لديك الخبرة بأعمال أخرى؟ في حال الإجابة بنعم أخبرنا عنها
What do you propose as an appropriate solution to teach Arabic in the project in the programme in case of quarantine and suspension of school teaching: lessons via online platforms, outdoor lessons, or other suggestions? / ماذا تقترح كحل مناسب لاستمرار تعليم العربية في البرنامج في حال حجر صحي وإيقاف التدريس بالمدراس: دروساً عبر وسائل منصات الإنترنت أو دروساً في الهواء الطلق، أو اقتراحات أخرى؟
Have you done volunteer work before? If yes, let us know if possible. / هل قمت بأعمال تطوعية من قبل؟ في حال الإجابة بنعم أخبرنا عنها إذا أمكن
Can you teach yourself to work on a computer program or online platform if needed? / هل تستطيع تعليم نفسك العمل على أحد برامج الكمبيوتر أو منصات الانترنت في حال الحاجة لذلك؟
yes / نعم
no / لا
Have you dealt with a distance learning platform? In case yes, tell us about the best platform in your opinion for classroom management and distance education and about its most important features. / هل تعاملت مع إحدى منصات التعليم عن بعد؟ في حال نعم، أخبرنا عن أفضل منصة برأيك لإدارة الصفوف والتعليم عن بعد وعن أهم ميزاتها
I want to work / أريد أن أعمل
In all centres / في كل المراكز
I only want to work at centres where wearing headscarf is allowed / أريد العمل فقط في المراكز حيث الحجاب مسموح
I want to work remote / أريد فقط التدريس عن بعد (عبر منصات التواصل)
Other / خيار آخر
Why would you like to work with us? Or do you want to tell us something about yourself that was not answered with the previous questions? Tell us here / لماذا ترغب بالعمل معنا؟ أو هل تريد إخبارنا شيئاً عن نفسك لم يرد بالأسئلة السابقة؟ أخبرنا هنا
Do you have an inquiry, suggestion or observation to us? / هل لديك استفسار أو اقتراح أو ملاحظة لنا؟
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