The EUTOPIA Student Council is looking for a General Coordinator, Editors, Director of Communication, International Officer and Website Designer for its EUTOPIA Student Think Tank

Think Europe is out of your reach during these #stayathome times? Think again! EUTOPIA unites 6 universities, among which VUB of course, across Europe in a prestigious and innovative cooperative project aimed at transforming European Higher Education once and for all. And through the EUTOPIA Student Think tank (for students, by students) you can be at the frontline!

For its EUTOPIA Student Think Tank, the EUTOPIA Student Council is looking for:

  • A General Coordinator
  • Two Editors
  • A Director of Communication
  • An International Officer
  • A Website Designer

Interest piqued? Check the details here.

Want to apply? Send you CV and motivation letter to by 15 January 2021.”