On 15 February VUB's Science Outreach Office is organizing a webinar and workshop on how to engage citizens in your research. This event is co-promoted by the University of Ljubljana within the framework of UNICA and EUTOPIA TRAIN.


During the webinar (13:30-14:45 CET), several international experts will share their experiences with citizen science projects. They will inspire the audience with insights on how to build and keep sustainable relationships and fruitful collaborations with citizens, both at the start of and during a citizen science research project.

The webinar is open to anyone interested in citizen science: participation is not bound to specific experience in the field.


The workshop (15:00-17:00 CET) will focus on communication with citizens, introducing you to tools that can be used to start up a citizen science project and motivate citizen scientists to get involved. Participants will be able to introduce and discuss their own (ideas for a) citizen science project in interactive working groups. Therefore, this workshop will only allow for a maximum of 25 participants. We advise to register quickly below!

Participants of the workshop preferably have some experience and/or strong interest and concrete plans in citizen science projects.

More information and registration

The full programme can be found here.

Both the webinar and workshop will take place online. You can register (for both or for the webinar/workshop only) via this link.

Interested to learn more about Citizen Science? Join our Community of Practice on Citizen Science (contact