Maria Knysh, a PhD student in DNTK/TENA, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. B. Craps, has been awarded the Best Poster Award at EuroStrings 2023. EuroStrings is yearly conference that brings together experts from all over Europe in String Theory and related fields to discuss cutting-edge research.
Maria's poster, titled "Horizon supertranslations lead to chaos," presents a detailed study of maximally chaotic many-body quantum systems using the fluid/gravity correspondence. The research was conducted by collaborating with researchers from MIT. The aim of the research was to establish a precise connection between diffeomorphisms that preserve the horizon structure of black holes in Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes. These diffeomorphisms are known as horizon supertranslations and superrotations. The research also aimed to establish a connection between these diffeomorphisms and symmetries of the chaotic fluid. The chaotic fluid was described by the dual effective field theory. The study highlights the significance of these symmetries in understanding the mechanism that governs quantum chaos and investigates the various probes for quantum chaos in relation to these symmetries.