Lunch movies a hit with students
A bunch of passionate movie buffs from the Communication science research group, including rector Caroline Pauwels, started screening movies in auditorium D2.01. “That room mirrors real cinema the closest”, Eline Livémont explains. “The choice for Friday at noon initially mostly had to do with the availability of the room. But the concept of a lunch movie catched on, so we continued down the same line. Students can join us for a good movie over lunch, in between classes.
“Each one of our movies has a story attached to it. It could be something strictly personal, but also a link to research or a lecture”, continues Benjamin. “However it is not something purely didactical. They are not movies you have to have seen because of their significance in movie history, rather they are movies you want to have seen.”
Suggestions are open
Every screening is preceded by a short introduction and if often followed by an animated discussion. Everybody is invited and can suggest movies and introduce them, even students. “Cinema is an interesting medium to approach certain topics relevant to communication scientists, but really all students. But we’re in it just as much for the joy of watching a great movie.”
The movie club aims to reach an international audience. The main language is English, as are the subtitles to the movies. On December 9th you are welcome to see Grizzly Man, on December 16th A Syrian Love Story will play. Both movies are shown at 12 noon in auditorium D2.01. The initiative will be repeated in the second semester.
Cinema in Brussels
Brussels is undoubtedly a movie city with a rich history. Aside from commercial theatres such as UGC and Kinepolis, specialty cinemas CINEMATEK and Flagey offer movie programs from every era. Cinema RITCS at the Erasmushogeschool further offers true gems from today and yesterday at 7pm on weeknights. Even more established art house cinema names are Galeries, Actor’s Studio, Avonture, Vendome, Stockel, Cinema Nova and Bozar Cinema. For a truly fancy cinema experience you can visit the brand new White Cinema at the Dockx Bruksel mall.
Our city is also home to many a film festival. Fans of Belgian cinema, can round out the year at the BE Filmfestival. In the spring we can look forward to Anima, for animated movies, the Brussels Short Film Festival, the international documentary festival Millenium, Offscreen, the Brussels International Festival for Fantasy Film (BIFFF) and at the edge of summer, the Brussels Film Festival.
On our very campus, KultuurKaffee used to organise for many years Het Grote Ongeduld! for young cinematographers, and still has Het Grote Ongeduld! Xtra around Art Cinema. The brand new culture tower will offer many new opportunities for film on our campus.