Welcome to Research Funding Europe!
We inform research groups about upcoming calls from Horizon Europe’s first pillar “Excellent Science”, advise them on their European funding strategy and on incentives from VUB’s Research Council. We support researchers from concept development to application phase until project implementation and closing.
Within the RESEARCH department, we act as a liaison between the VUB research community and the European Commission and aim at a strong positioning of the VUB. We provide policy updates about the EU funding landscape, the European Research Area, Open Science policies, Gender and diversity, Sustainability and other European R&I priorities.
We take an active part in the research initiatives of the EUTOPIA European alliance of universities.
Interested in conducting curiosity-driven research at VUB?
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Discover the benefits of applying for an ERC grant at VUB, find a suitable topic for your 'Marie Sklodowska Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowship' proposal or get inspired by outstanding researchers and projects…
Contact us at rfe@vub.be
Horizon Europe
We provide specialised support on Horizon Europe European Research Council applications (ERC), Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA), Research Infrastructures (RI) and Strenghtening the European Research Area.
For European calls pertaining to Horizon Europe 2d and 3d pillars and other applied research opportunities, please contact ERIS team which is part of the Techtransfer office.
Other programmes
We provide specialised support on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) scientific cooperation networks, DG Justice grants : justice, consumer rights, gender equality, DG Life grants : environment and climate action, ERA-NET calls co-funded by FWO, JPI calls co-funded by FWO and BELSPO, European Space Agency (ESA) tenders, UCPM : civil protection.
For Erasmus+ calls, please contact the EU cell of the International Department.
Tania Van Loon
Coordination & EU Research Policy
E-mailadres: Tania.Van.Loon@vub.be
Stien Mommaerts
European Research Council & other curiosity-driven programmes
E-mailadres: Stien.Mommaerts@vub.be
Dr. Manuela Jungmann
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions
E-mailadres: Manuela.Jungmann@vub.be
Angélique Broux
European Research Council
E-mailadres: Angelique.Broux@vub.be
Kate Meier
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, EUTOPIA Science and Innovation and MORE projects
E-mailadres: Kate.Meier@vub.be