European Research Council
The European Research Council (ERC) provides funding for the implementation of ground-breaking research for a period of 5 (6) years. The ERC programme, provides a distinctive funding mechanism devoted to scientific excellence for all scientific fields (bottom-up call).
Currently, Vrije Universiteit Brussel proudly hosts more than 20 ERC-projects and their Principal Investigators.
Funding & Grants
Funding & Grants
The following types of grants are available:
- Starting Grants (1.5 mio euro for 5 years, for researchers with 2-7 years postdoctoral experience*)
- Consolidator Grants (2 mio euro for 5 years, for researchers with 7-12 years postdoctoral experience*)
- Advanced Grants (2.5 mio euro for 5 years, for established senior researchers)
- Synergy Grants (10 mio euro for 6 years, for 2-4 Principal Investigators at any stage in their career)
- Proof of Concept (lump sum 150 keur) for ERC grantees to cover activities at the very early stage of turning research outputs into a commercial or socially valuable proposition
*Extensions of the eligibility period are possible based on documented absence for parental leave, long-term illness, military service or clinical training. Check the ERC Work Programme for more details.
What does Vrije Universiteit Brussel offer you?
As an applicant
Individual support and scouting in the proposal writing stage:
- strategic advice on the submission timing
- training for ERC proposal writing
- set-up of the project budget
- assistance with ethical issues
- review of the proposal by the RFE team
- preparatory pitching and mock interviews during the second round of ERC evaluation
As a successful ERC-grantee
- A tenure track or other ZAP position, depending on the researcher’s profile and decided on a case by case basis
- Position paid by the university, not from the ERC grant
- Part of the ERC indirect costs budget made available to the grant holder to use autonomously for research purposes
- Extensive career development opportunities and dedicated communication channels
- Appropriate and stimulating working conditions for project implementation, combined with comprehensive administrative, legal and financial support
Interested in applying with VUB?
Future ERC applicants are advised to contact the Research Funding Europe team as early as possible and at the latest four months before the ERC deadline. Prior to contacting RFE we recommend candidates to see which VUB research group(s) their research topics fit into.
Each application will be internally assessed based on the profile and match of the candidate’s research line with the strategic lines of the relevant VUB faculty.
Why choose VUB as your host institution?
Research groups at VUB have a proven track record with high publication scores, successful participation in national and internationally funded research projects, and excellent research facilities across all four campuses. VUB operates on the premise that research excellence originates from a bottom-up approach, with researchers initiating their own paths. Funding is allocated across various domains, with only the best applications selected through competition.
VUB is the leading Brussels organisation in terms of participation in the Horizon 2020 programme.
Scoring high in the number of scientific co-publications, VUB contributes to the Brussels-Capital Region being a European Innovation Leader. As an international university, VUB’s working language is English.
With its partners, VUB has been chosen by the European Commission as one of the first pilot projects for developing a “European University”: the EUTOPIA alliance of 10 European Universities Transforming to an Open Inclusive Academy.
General facilities
The VUB offers excellent services that are flexible, customised, and well-organised. Computer facilities and strong (wireless) internet connections are available, along with access to technology platforms, research facilities, and the university library. The VUB International Relations & Mobility Office assists incoming researchers before and after their arrival in Brussels with administrative matters such as visa permits, registration, and health insurance.
The university houses eight joint research infrastructures, autonomous units within the VUB that have highly qualified personnel and specialised equipment available to the research community at economical prices. From statistical-methodological support and microscopy to cell sorters and a cleanroom for microfluidics, researchers can find all they need in our core facilities.