Phone consultation and contact
For brief medical questions or advice, and for lab test results, you can contact the University Group Practice during the phone consultations.
- Please activate your Helena account with your ID card or the itsme app beforehand.
- Please mention to give us permission to use e-health.
Phone consultations
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
1:30PM - 2:00PM
Calls after 2PM will not be addressed by the doctor. Did you call in on time? Then stay connected!
- Request for laboratory results
- Brief medical advice
- Request for extensions (e.g. medication or physical therapy)
If necessary (e.g. if further explanation or examination is required, for a re-evaluation of your illness or to rule out other diseases) the doctor will invite you for a consultation.
You can find us here
Practical or administrative questions?
Please contact us via e-mail. It may take a few days for us to get back to you. If you e-mailed or called us and have already solved the problem before we reply, please let us know.
Questions that require a clinical assessment - e.g. medical advice, certificates or prescriptions - we do not handle by e-mail. Please make an appointment or call us during telephone consultation hours.
Need urgent care?
For urgent consultations or home visits, you can contact the Brussels on-call service outside office hours. They are available around the clock. The bilingual out-of-hours medical post is located at the children's hospital of UZ Brussel (Kidz Health Castle) in Jette.
The University Group Practice is open every weekday for medical consultations. You always need to make an appointment, there are no consultations for walk-ins. For urgent consultations please contact us via phone, to discuss your options.
Not sure whether our doctors can help you?
Check the specialisations of the available doctors and do not hesitate to contact the practice if you have any questions.
Make appointment
Find out when each doctor is available in the online agenda (MYA).
Regular patients log in with their MYA-account. If you don't have one yet, you can create one and it will have to be approved by one of the doctors. If you are already registered at the practice, your MYA-account will be automatically approved.
Appointments for regular patients
Or copy paste this link into your browser:
VUB students and staff can log in with their VUB account.
Appointments for VUB students & staff
Or copy paste this link into your browser:
Cancel appointment
You can cancel it yourself in the online calendar, up until 24 hours before your appointment. Want to cancel on the same day? Please contact us via phone.
Appointment on the same day
are available from 8:00AM
Appointments for the next day
become available 15 hours ahead of time
Beware: The number of urgent consultations is limited. If you don't see any in the calendar, none are available.
VUB students or staff with a different regular doctor in Belgium
only make an appointment for urgent matters that can't wait until they get to see their regular doctor.
It's always better to see your regular doctor, as they know your medical background, manage your medical file and charge less.
New patients
cannot be guaranteed an appointment. Because of the high demand of doctors in Brussels, there is a 'mild patient stop'. If you aren't a registered patient yet at the UGP, please contact us via e-mail to request to have one of our doctors as your regular doctor. These request are processed on a weekly basis.
The University Group Practice charges subsidised rates: all consultations between 8:00AM and 6:00PM are charged at the subsidised rate of € 30 for 10 minutes. If further examinations are necessary, there may be a surcharge.
- Those affiliated to a Belgian national insurance scheme ("mututaliteit") pay the patient contribution of maximum € 6. The remaining amount is covered by the legitimate reimbursement from the R.I.Z.I.V.
- Individuals without Belgian national insurance scheme pay the full amount and receive a certificate of the care provided. They themselves verify with their health insurance company whether they can reclaim the amount paid.
Please note: only Dr de Windt and Dr Desmet accept payments with the Bancontact app. The other doctors accept cash payments only.

Care offer
- Illness, treatment of wounds and assistance for a range of medical issues
- Blood sampling and analysis
- Minor surgery
- Birth control and STD screening
- Travel medicine and vaccinations
- Sports medicine and certificates
- Preventive cervical, breast and colorectal cancer screening
- Monitoring of pregnancies, babies and children
- Monitoring of chronic conditions
- Repeat prescriptions
- Guidance to quit smoking
- End-of-life counselling
Our medical staff
Who’s who and who does what? The general practitioners of the University Group Practice each have their own specialisations and speak different languages. They receive practical and administrative support from a team of permanent staff. Meet our team!
Medical team
Dr. Dierick
Frederik Dierick finished his basic medical studies and is currently training to be a general practitioner. Starting in April 2023, he will support the UGP team for 18 months as a doctor in training.
Medical team
Dr Desmet
Doctor Hanne Desmet graduated as a general practitioner in 2015. Her research dealt with the vaccination status of Brussels youth. She gained experience in the Brussels region, in Flemish Brabant and in Antwerp, and worked as a doctor at the Kind & Gezin consultation centre from 2012 to 2018. She is particularly passionate about the new possibilities of electronic medical records and e-health. Her family is her greatest hobby - she is married and a mother of two.
- Preventitive medicine (incl. vaccinations)
- Sports research/ankle taping
- Breastfeeding, new parenthood and paediatrics
- Integrative medicine
- Electronic medical records and e-health
Medical team
Dr. Fokoua
Doctor Célestin Hugues Fokoua Mouafo has been a doctor since 1996 and has tons of experience in surgery and pharmacology.
- Scar correction and wound treatment (e.g. aesthetic suturing of wounds, skin lesions, scars)
- Cognitive behavioural therapy (e.g. in case of psychological problems)
- Sports medicine
- Travel medicine and tropical diseases
- Paediatrics
- Check-ups and vaccinations
Finally, you can also contact him with all your questions on medication control and interactions between different medications.
Medical team
Dr Van Herck
Doctor Herman Van Herck graduated as a doctor of medicine, surgery and obstetrics in 1986.
- Diabetes
- Family planning
- Gynaecology: cervical smears, coil insertion and removal
- STDs
- Responsible parenting
Medical team
Dr de Windt
Doctor Nora de Windt completed her basic medical training in 2004 at the University of Leiden. She then worked as a surgery assistant physician in Curaçao, mainly in the emergency department. She gained experience in a range of areas, particularly treating bullet and cut wounds, tropical diseases, infected wounds in diabetics and more. Afterwards, she volunteered as an assistant in a prison and in a nursing home. During her general practitioner training she worked in accident and emergency, paediatrics, psychiatric elderly care and in various GP practices in urban and rural environments. This makes Dr de Windt very capable of providing care to people of all ages and in all stages of life. After qualifying as a general practitioner in 2010, she worked for seven years as a GP in various district health centres and as a student doctor before joining this group practice.
Dr de Windt speaks to patients in Dutch, English, Spanish, Papiamento and French.
- Birth control
- STDs
- Monitoring of pregnancy and newborns
- Wound suturing
- Minor surgery (e.g. removal of birthmarks)
- Travel advice
Medical team
As a front-desk clerk and practice assistant, Koen is responsible for welcoming patients. He answers the phone and is the first point of contact for the practice. Would you like book an appointment or are you looking for more information about the practice? Koen will be happy to help you.
Medical team
Our administrative force Annie handles the "back-office" of the medical practice. She manages files and documents and makes sure your e-mails end up in the doctors' correct to-do list.
Medical team
Els Huybregts joined the group practice as a tobaccologist a few years ago. She supports the practice in the following areas:
- Guidance to quit smoking
- Dealing with addictions
- Dealing with chronic diseases
- Monitoring patients with chronic conditions
- Preparation for diving certifications
- Counselling for psychological problems, including referrals to specialised care providers if required
- Referrals to specialists at the UZ Brussels university hospital and elsewhere
You can only book an appointment with Els by telephone. Els usually offers consultations by telephone or video.
Information flow
The medical staff do not have access to your VUB files, such as data from student psychologists, study guidance, student administration or HR records. Please inform them during your appointment if you think certain matters are of interest. Vice versa, the VUB does not have access to patient files either.