Default track

The model track in Master of Science in Civil Engineering (BRUFACE) (120 ECTS) is composed of:
1) MA1: Compulsory common courses: Fundamentals in Civil Engineering (18 ECTS)
2) MA1: Compulsory common courses: Challenges in large Civil Engineering Structures (17 ECTS)
3) MA1: Compulsory common courses: Transversal Skills and Industrial Applications (20 ECTS)
4) MA1: Project Management (1 project to choose out of 3 that are provided) (5 ECTS)
5) MA2: the Master Thesis (24 ECTS)
6) MA2: Semi-elective modules (3 modules are offered: Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures, Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments, Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering, in 3 combinations) (1 combination of 2 modules to choose out of 3 combinations)(18 or 20 ECTS)
7) MA2: Electives (thematic lists)(18 or 16 ECTS to choose depending on the number of semi-electives that has been selected sub (6))

Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Master year 1

ECTS credits

Compulsory Common Courses

Fundamentals in Civil Engineering

Challenges in large Civil Engineering Structures

Transversal Skills and Industrial Applications

Project Management

You select one of the following options.

Master year 2

ECTS credits

Master Thesis

Semi-elective modules

You select two of six (sub)modules.

Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures

Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments

Innovative Design of Civil Engineering

Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering

Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments

Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering


You choose a total of 36 credits of courses from the following options.

Electives: Internships

Electives: Structures

Electives: Building Physics and Architecture

Electives: Water Resources

Electives: Management, Economics and Law

Electives: Miscellanea

Electives: Courses from other semi-elective module

You choose a max of 18 credits from the following options.

Total number of ECTS