Default track
Brussels track (VUB): students have a choice of 18 ECTS between 'Professional experience: Internship' or the 'Thesis'
Shanghai track (Shanghai University for International Business and Economics - SUIBE). Students have a choice of 18 ECTS between the following courses: 'WTO and China', 'Chinese Investment Law', 'Chinese Trade Law', 'Chinese Intellectual Property Rights Protection', 'Chinese Competition Policy' or ' Seminar on Shanghai Free Trade Zone'
Students can also choose 9 ECTS of this track in combination with 9 ECTS of the Washington D.C. track
Washington D.C. track (The Institute of World Politics - IWP). Students have a choice of 18 ECTS between the following courses: 'Crisis Management and Decision making', 'Political Risk Analysis and Forecasting', 'Challenges in the Emerging Geo-Political landscape', 'International Challenges of the Public -Private Partnership in the Cyber Domain', 'Corporate Statecraft', 'Economic Statecraft', 'The Art of Diplomacy', 'Trans-Atlantic Competitiveness & Western Prosperity'