With weKONEKT.brussels, VUB, the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Brussels partners contribute to the development of a free, connected, and engaged urban community. Together, we strengthen our beloved city of Brussels.

Brussels is our Living Lab
Our professors and teachers make a Living Lab of Brussels by organising education in, for and with the city. Thus, Brussels becomes a lecture hall and workshop for our students.
Our researchers put their knowledge and expertise at the service of Brussels and its inhabitants; they provide answers to metropolitan, societal challenges.
In Brussels, crossovers take place between our education and scientific research on the one hand, and sports, culture, art, law and so much more on the other.
Events, debates, cultural meetings
Through weKONEKT.brussels, we maintain an active relationship with Brussels. What's more, our name has become a hallmark for top-quality urban activities. Mindblowers is one such activity, as is WeKonekt.week. Both activities bring together academics, culture bearers, artists, and the local population for a joint dialogue on contemporary metropolitan topics.