To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, EU policy will have to be reoriented – from incremental towards structural change.  The 4i-TRACTION project, brings together nine partners from seven European countries to analyse how this can be done: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Ita-Suomen Yliopisto (Finland), I4C (France), Climate Analytics, Ecologic Institute (Germany), CE Delft, Wageningen University (Netherlands), Wise Europe (Poland), Universidad De Vigo (Spain).

4i-TRACTION analyses what transformative EU climate policy could look like. Based on an overview of existing climate policies and their performance, it will identify a number of policy avenues and develop an overarching governance framework for EU climate and energy policies. The analysis will be structured around four cross-cutting core challenges, the "4 i's":

  1. fostering breakthrough innovation,
  2. shifting investment and finance,
  3. rolling out the infrastructure for a climate-neutral and resilient economy, and
  4. integration of solutions across sectors.

Ecologic Institute manages the overall coordination of the newly launched 4i-TRACTION H2020 project. VUB’s Sebastian Oberthür is scientific coordinator. Along with him on the project from the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) are Tomas Wyns, Ingmar von Homeyer, Brendan Moore, Simon Otto and Ólöf Söebech focusing on the governance framework and on innovation.