The VUB is a founding member of the European university network EUTOPIA. In fact, this year EUTOPIA is the central theme of the VUB's academic opening. EUTOPIA was founded in 2020.
EUTOPIA in Facts & Figures 2021 - 2022
What has EUTOPIA achieved in three years? EUTOPIA is built around so-called Connected Communities. These are platforms where participating universities unite their joint ambitions in research and curriculum innovations. Specifically, there are now 30 Connected Learning Communities, including Sport for Social Change, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Legal History. The number of Connected Research Communities stands at 17, including Photography & Dissent, Sustainable European Private International Law and Durable Materials.
Rector Jan Danckaert: “We need to ensure that open science is at the heart of eutopia. And through connected learning communities, we work on the open exchange of learning materials and courses, actively involving not only teachers but also students.”
Did you know that EUTOPIA has four partners outside European borders? While they are not part of EUTOPIA itself, they are Université Internationale de Rabat (Morocco) Kyungpook National University (South Korea) Monash University (Australia) and Stellenbosch University (South Africa).