What is photonics all about? Is it very specific and limited or is it exact the opposite holding unlimited opportunities? Why has the European Commission proclaimed Photonics as a key enabling technology for the 21st century?
To give photonics more visibility and make it tangible to bachelor students, our research group B-PHOT Brussels Photonics invited them for a discovery trip down to the world of photonics at the Photonics Innovation Center of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

During this intensive day, students were introduced to global trends in photonics, got short pop-up classes in optical communication systems and photonics mixed with hands-on sessions in the laser lab, a PHABLAB workshop to build a wireless color moodlamp and, last but not least, a visit to the hi-tech production hall and clean room.
We left in the morning at 8:00 with the B-PHOT bus for the VUB Photonics Campus in Gooik and returned at 19:00 in the evening. A long and rewarding day, till the end of this challenging program, we saw only happy faces!
For a short impression, check out The Aftermovie of the Bootcamp Photonics 2018.  
All students had the chance to quote each of the 7 sessions on a scale of 0 to 10, on average they gave a 8.2/10 for all sessions. The lowest quote was 7.1/10, which means we received great distinction. We are very grateful for all the feedback which we will incorporate for a next edition.
Hopefully we inspired young engineers and scientists to apply photons and light technology in future innovations, to make a difference and make the world a better place. A big thank you to all volunteering experts who made the day worthwhile, and to Anas Gasser for his support and sharing his experience as master student.
Stay tuned for 2019 edition via www.bootcampphotonics.be
For more information you can contact Sophie Messens, smessens@b-phot.org.