Elite athletes that opt to combine their sports career with studies or (part time) employment are often supported and guided by dual career support providers that are connected to an institute of education and/or elite athlete organisation. Research has shown that these dual career support providers play a crucial role during the career of an elite athlete.



Researchers Simon Defruyt, Nicky Van Rossem, Koen De Brandt and Professor Paul Wylleman of the research group Sports Psychology and Mental guidance (SPMB) and the office for Top Sport and Study - charged by the IOC - will work together with career experts of Windesheim University (Netherlands), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) en Halmstad University (Sweden). This project will lead to the development, implementation and evaluation of training modules for dual career advisers. Eventually the project will also contribute to an optimisation of the guidance of elite athletes at our university.