Do not miss out on this unique moment!

In close collaboration with the VUB, ULB, and, for the first time, the Francisco Ferrer High School, the City of Brussels will organise, for the third consecutive year, the graduation ceremony for students from the three institutions. The students of the class of 2022 will experience an unforgettable moment on the Grand Place and in the City Hall, from October 10 to 16, in the presence of their families and various personalities.

The students of the VUB, ULB, and the Haute École Francisco Ferrer will be honored on the most beautiful square in the world. On the balcony of the City Hall, no less than 2000 fresh graduates will be proclaimed, in the presence of their relatives.

The proclamations were also broadcasted live! Relive it via the links below

Monday 10 October 2022

10-12h: Sciences & Bioengineering Sciences

12-14h: Social Sciences

14-16h: Handelsingenieur, TEW, International Business

16-18h: Bedrijfskunde & Management

18-20h: Law & Criminology

Relive your Graduation Ceremony via this link

Tuesday 11 October 2022

10-12h: Physical Education and Physiotherapy

12-14h: Medicine & Pharmacy

14-16h: Psychology & Educational Sciences

16-18h: Multi-Interdisciplinaire Leraren Opleidingen

18-20h: Languages and Humanities

Relive your Graduation Ceremony via this link

Wednesday 12 October 2022

10-12h: Industrial Engineering & Photonics (VUB Engineering Non-Bruface)

12-15h: VUB BRUFACE & ULB Engineering

Relive your Graduation Ceremony via this link