The Vrije Universiteit Brussels attaches great value to the opinion of its students. A critical mind, eloquent point of views and social engagement are part of the educational project. VUB can look back on a copious history of student representation.

Ever since the founding of the university students had their say in its policy. Until today this tradition continues up to the highest governing bodies. Student representatives stand up for the concerns of the students and determine from this point of view the future of the university.

An instructive adventure of vital engagement

It is an understatement to call the life of this generation challenging. This fast age of information floods demands a lot of skillful engagement to maintain a clear view all issues. As a supporting measure student representatives can rely on flexible education and exam facilities.
A year in the student council is a rollercoaster of relevant, professional experience. Student representatives defend point of views on policy meetings, dive into files that matter to students. They stand up for their rights and interfere whenever student interests are at stake. From their own daily experience they decide on student services, educational programmes, exam regulations, nomination of professors and assistants - briefly, life at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.


The language issue and the international student platform

For legal reasons the student council is in Dutch, which creates a threshold for international students to participate in the meetings. Therefore the international student platform was created. This forum also discusses student council matters, but do it in English. This board also puts specific issues of international students on the agenda. We nevertheless stimulate motivated, international students with knowledge of Dutch to run an election campaign.


Student elections 2016

On February 8th the candidacy period for the student council and faculty council is opened. The joint appointment of central and faculty representatives is new. For both councils students can apply until February 29 at 5pm. Next there is an election period, in which all students can vote online.

More information on the student elections can be found on,
more information on the international student council on