This new bachelor programme is organised in academic year 2022-2023. The programme will 'grow' gradually: in 2023-2024 the second year will be organised, in 2024-2025 the third year will be organised.
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies: Dutch - German
Bachelor year 1
ECTS credits
General introduction courses
Dutch courses
German courses
Bachelor year 2
ECTS credits
Mandatory courses
Optional courses
Advanced courses Dutch
Advanced courses German
Bachelor year 3
ECTS credits
General advanced courses
Advanced courses Dutch
Advanced courses German
Elective courses
Eutopia elective courses
If you choose this module of 30 ECTS, the following courses are mandatory.
Erasmus exchange
If you choose to go on an Erasmus exchange, you will obtain 30 ECTS from courses taken at the Erasmus university. Please contact your study path counselor if this is your preference.
Other elective courses
If you choose this module, you can put together a package of 30 ECTS from this list.