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What is Research Data Management (RDM)?
Data management in research is an ongoing task in the research life cycle. RDM includes all actions that organise, store, track, and share data during research. So this includes daily management, but also long-term decision making. This is the process by which we develop procedures, best practices and policies to better protect, describe and validate data. The goal? To improve data quality and facilitate its reuse.
Why manage your data?
The university recognises the importance of research data and RDM for the integrity and quality of research. Good data management enhances the visibility of research and creates more opportunities for cooperation and exchange. Data management is important throughout the cycle to retain, share, and reuse data. It also discourages redundant information, thus increasing research efficiency.
Our data policy
The RDM policy defines the general guidelines and responsibilities for the different parties involved and covers all research projects carried out by VUB researchers.
VUB researcher can access all relevant information and support on Research data Management on the internal pages.
What is a Data Management Plan (DMP)?
A DMP is a formal document that outlines what you will do with your data during and after research. It is usually drawn up during the research planning phase. Some funders (such as the FWO and the EC) require that you complete such a plan for your application.
DMPonline.be helps you write your data management plan for your research.
Visit the website and find a template
More questions?
Contact us via dmp@vub.be
Open Data
The term 'open data' refers to the idea that some data should be freely available to the public, so that they can use and republish it as they wish without the normal restrictions (copyright, patents, etc.). This facilitates greater collaboration between researchers and makes it easier to find relevant data for your project. VUB encourages researchers to open up their data, whenever possible, under the FAIR principles and in a specific repository for their discipline.
The abbreviation FAIR stands for:
- Findable: rich metadata with a unique persistent identifier recorded in a searchable resource
- Accessible: retrievable through a standardised communication protocol that is open and free of charge
- Interoperable: using formal, accessible, and widely used language and vocabularies
- Reusable: issued with a clear and accessible licence, complying with domain-relevant community standards and having the necessary relevant attributes
Open Access
The term 'open access' refers to the provision of free access to scientific output for consultation, downloading, indexing, or publishing, without technical barriers. VUB facilitates Open Access by offering a repository or storehouse accessible through the PURE-interface. By making your research results freely accessible online, you increase their visibility and use by the international community and help establish a dynamic science culture.
If you’d like more information on the possibility of opening up your specific research, please contact openaccess@vub.be.
What is PURE?
PURE replaces R&D-Net as the "Current Research Information System" (CRIS) at VUB It contains comprehensive information on research carried out at the university and is the unique source for all research reports.
Why use PURE?
PURE is used to manage research projects at the R&D back office, to create reports, and to share research information with the general public. PURE is the central database of all research results at VUB.
These data can be used for:
- managing publications, activities, etc.
- creating and maintaining your CVs
- increasing the visibility of your research through the PURE-portal
- displaying information on your (departmental) website (e.g. via HTML download)
- generating statistics and information (reporting to VABB-SHW, FWO funding, etc.)
Who can use PURE?
All VUB staff members have access to PURE. You can use your NetID (e.g. 'jjansens') to log in.
If you are not a staff member but need access to PURE, (e.g. EHB staff or PhD students), you can apply for an 'affiliated member' status through your faculty.
Please note that doctoral students who are not staff members must apply for the status of 'unpaid scientific collaborator' in order to gain access to PURE. You can do this through your faculty secretariat in consultation with your supervisor. This status is valid for 2 years.
Researchers at the university hospital can log in with their 'UZB account' as long as they do not have a NetID. If you have both, you can only log in with your NetID.
- Go to PURE
- Enter your NetID (shortened version of your name without @vub.be)
- Click on login
Training courses & workshops
The RDM team offers a variety of resources depending on your needs. The VUB LRN webpage will also contain resources on RDM.
We refer you to some online resources for self-study (Quick Start or more in-depth).
Do you wish to organise a group training course or workshop?
Contact us via research.datamanagement@vub.be
More in-depth
- Coursera general (multiple days)
- Coursera clinical (multiple days)
- CESSDA guide (15 hours)
- GitHub open source guide (3.5 hours)
- Open Science Training Handbook
- EBI webinar for life science (4 hours)
DMP & RDM support
VUB provides support for the creation of DMPs for our researchers. You can download the templates for the FWO and the EC here and although it is not compulsory, we recommend that you use the DMP online tool to create your own DMP.
More info?
For further questions, or if you need help with your DMP, you can e-mail us at research.datamanagement@vub.be. One of the responsibilities of the RDM team is to help develop a data management policy. Also, you can always contact us if your faculty or group wants to create an official data management policy of its own. Please visit our internal pages for VUB-staff members for all relevant information on Research Data Management!