What does a confidential counsellor do?

A confidential counsellor listens to your story, gives you information and discusses the problem and possible next steps with you. At your request, the confidential counsellor can also contact other people involved or mediate.

The confidential counsellor will search for a possible solution with you and will explain the various procedures.

How does it work? 

The help of a confidential counsellor is free of charge. In addition, they are bound by professional secrecy. This means that they are not allowed to share any of your information without your explicit permission. You can contact them in complete confidentiality.

The confidential counsellors keep a central register in which all reports are gathered. You can always ask to be registered anonymously or to modify your personal data.

The first contact is by e-mail, the confidential counsellor will make further arrangements with you.

Who are they?

There are seven confidential counsellors in total within the VUB, of which two work for the Report It Helpline.  The other five can be reached through their email addresses below.