After graduation

A master's degree opens doors in many different branches and sectors. You will be able to work in the private sector, (non-)governmental organisations, or pursue an academic career as a PhD researcher. Not sure where to go next? We're happy to help you with your first steps in the job market.

What have you learnt?

Information technology: omnipresent and ever evolving 

Electronics and information technology touches upon a broad range of omnipresent systems and devices: smartphones, laptops, robots, games, cars, medical imagers, solar farms, the Internet of Things, and so on. At VUB, you can become an expert in this field, ensuring a career in this ever-evolving aspect of society. The programme combines a rigorous scientific and technical education with the development of practical skills, and will help you become a competent, independent and creative engineer who contributes to society on multiple levels.

Further study

This programme will fully prepare you for the industrial job market, without any need for follow-up studies.

What professions will it allow you to enter?


Technology remains a key component in our society, and rapid evolutions ensure there's no shortage of job opportunties. In fact, 90% of students enrolled in this programme receive interesting job offers before they graduate. Thanks to the use of English as a working language throughout the programme, the international job market will invite you with open arms as well. Furthermore, through workshops, networking events, job fairs and tips for job interviews, we'll help you take your first steps into the job market.

Our alumni tell to what jobs this diploma leads...

  • Daniel van Nieuwenhove | President of a high-tech company

    “Few people can make their passion their profession, and yet, it happened to me. I graduated at VUB in 2002, where I acquired both theoretical and practical knowledge and gained full insight from idea to actual result. Contrary to many other universities' programs, VUB doesn't stop at simulation or theoretical study. Tasks like designing, simulating, layouting, manufacturing and validating your own microchip, making a compiler for your own programming language or writing parallel computing programs taught me how to work in an autonomous, problem-solving and creative fashion. Seeing my own ideas implemented helped ignite my passion for engineering and led me from being a start-up founder to leading Sony Depthsensing Solutions, which has been and still is tremendously fun today.”

  • Sven Boulanger | Chip designer at Caeleste

    "It's a great master's degree programme for building relevant knowledge and practical experience in electronics design and engineering. You'll learn about all aspects of electronic: signal processing, digital and analog IC design, sensors, etc."

  • Jasper van Bourgognie | Co-founder and digital electronics engineer​​​​​​​ at Industrial Smart Eyewear (IRISTICK)

    "I can't think of any other educational institute granting a student the creative liberty of delivering a master's thesis as a set of wiki pages."


Other career stories from former students

Are you aware that VUB sometimes looks for electrical engineers?


That's right! You can build an exciting and meaningful career as an electrical engineer or a specialist in electronics and information technology here at your alma mater. As a large organisation we look for very diverse profiles.

Find out which vacancies are currently open

Join our community of former students

On graduation from VUB you become part of a unique network of 75,000 former students (known as alumni) who are ready to build a better future. We exchange as many experiences, ideas and other forms of knowledge as possible to stand stronger together in our jobs, our lives and the world outside.

So, besides strengthening your position on the labour market, a VUB diploma gives you a network you can build on to realise your professional ambitions and make a difference in the world. Do you need more reasons? We list more below for you.

Proclamatie van Recht en Criminologie aan de VUB

... it's worth it!

  • Benefits on and off campus - A BasicFit annual subscription at half the price, student rates in the Resto... : being a former student pays off with a digital alumni pass.
  • Help with job applications - It is sometimes hard for young alumni to find their way on the labour market. We help you get off to a flying start.
  • Networking - Join your faculty or study-programme alumni association and keep up to date with the latest networking events and developments in your field.
  • Career inspiration - Are you looking for a job that matches your passions? Read the career stories and tips of former students and discover the possibilities per diploma.
  • Our continuing education - Society and the labour market are constantly on the move. Our continuing education courses keep your knowledge and skills relevant. For a lifetime.

More about our activities for former students