Become a part of the transition towards sustainability
Within the micro-credential “Sustainability” a combination of discipline specific knowledge, interdisciplinary understanding and tools, and transdisciplinary practical experiences is offered to allow you to become an agent for change towards sustainability. The courses provide insights in decision making processes and methods, as well as tools and methods for transition management and system thinking.
Goals and setup
Sustainability challenges are deeply imbedded in societal, ecological, and technological processes and thus wicked. They require the bridging of multiple disciplines, and a reflection on and cooperation with society. Understanding and becoming a part of sustainable transitions therefor requires knowledge, skills and experiences that include various disciplines and real-world experiences. Within the micro-credential “Sustainability” a combination of discipline-specific knowledge, interdisciplinary understanding and tools, and transdisciplinary practical experiences is offered to allow you to become an agent for change towards sustainability.
The courses of this micro-credential provide discipline specific insights in the fields of economics, ecology, social sciences and engineering. To ensure that graduates have the necessary tools to become a part of the sustainable transitions, it offers insights in decision making processes and methods, as well as tools and methods for transition management and system thinking. Building upon this theoretical understanding each course includes an assignment that allows students to build the necessary transition skills needed to tackle real-world problems.
The courses are organised in an interactive way including working sessions in which we let you experience the various techniques in a hands-on-manner, complemented with lectures that can be followed online or in class. The courses are therefore suitable for anyone with a professional or personal interest in Sustainability.
Sustainability: an Interdisciplinary Approach (6 ECTS, 1st semester)
Decision Support for Sustainability (6 ECTS, 2nd semester)
Sustainability Economics (6 ECTS, 2nd semester)
Admission requirements
There are no admission requirements to start this micro-credential.
Maximum number of participants
There is no limit on the number of participants allowed to enrol.
1 academic year
One course takes place during the 1st semester. The other two courses take place during the 2nd semester.
One ECTS-credit equates to roughly 25 to 30 hours of study, from lessons to completing a project or studying independently.
Campus Etterbeek
Courses are organised on the VUB Main Campus located in Etterbeek.
Practical organisation
In the first semester the lectures take place on Wednesdays between 16-18h. These will be recorded. On Friday morning between 10-12h we have empowering sessions which are oriented towards learning competences in an interactive way. In the second semester, the lectures are grouped on Monday afternoon. Video clips of the decision support tools are provided to view in your own timing. The lectures of Sustainability Economics are recorded but some interactive sessions like the one on Inner development goals is not to be missed!
What is a Micro-credential?
Micro-credentials are small, academic programmes that focus on specific subjects and competences. They consist of one or more courses or course parts taught in a Bachelor or Master programme at the university. Usually, they are taught for a few hours spread over one semester or one academic year. They are literally micro-courses.
If you pass the micro-credential, you receive a certificate proving that you have acquired the competences. These are official credits. This is where micro-credentials differ from other programmes, such as study days or trainings. The credits and competences you obtain are recognised throughout your career and can lead to exemptions from future programmes, for example, even at other institutions.
Micro-credentials are important for lifelong learning. After all, in our rapidly changing society, it is essential that everyone keeps working to renew their own competences. Micro-credentials are blocks that you can stack and combine throughout your life and career to further direct your own pathway. There are several advantages to taking micro-credentials. Since they are short, specific courses, you only learn what you need to upskill or specialise.
In addition, the certificate guarantees your acquired competences and the credits are often recognised abroad. They are a great asset on your CV.
The tuition fee consist of a fixed amount and a variable amount
The fixed amount is an administrative fee paid once per academic year. The variable amount is a specific fee per credit or ECTS that you enrol for.
Start your online application here
Look under 'continuing education' to select your micro-credential.
Check the application deadlines here
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Teaching methods
The VUB is committed to blended learning, a combination of online and on-campus lessons. Therefore, students need not necessarily be on campus if they do not have to be, but we still believe in the added value of physical teaching moments.
Classes are usually taught for a few hours spread over one semester or one academic year. You can always check the class timetable, where you can see if a course is online, on campus or taught through recorded lessons. It is best to view the timetables for each individual course.
Learn about our sustainability programmes at VUB
Did you miss our information session on VUB’s sustainability courses and micro-credentials for the 2024-2025 academic year?
Watch the full recording here.
Any questions?

The new training offer of micro-credentials was developed and announced with the support of the European Union.