Language support for written assignments
Our workshops in academic Dutch are for all students who want to (further) improve their academic language. At the beginning of a workshop, we tackle a number of academic stumbling blocks. Later on, these will be discussed again in the exercises. Bring your own texts if you want to work on them and ask the language coach your language questions at the end of the workshop.
'Brushing up on spelling and grammar'
Sign up for this workshop if you want to brush up on some of the spelling and grammar rules that commonly cause problems. Among other things, you’ll learn how to conjugate verbs such as "to download", why to write "social media" but also "social media manager", and how to abbreviate nouns correctly.
'Layout and structure'
In this workshop, we look at which text structure is best suited for your writing task and how to order seemingly scatted thoughts. Using various examples, we then test which elements aide in giving structure to a text and how to build up compelling arguments.
'Scientific style'
Not only the vocabulary, but also the formulation of sentences determines whether your text fits into a scientific context. This workshop is useful for students who want some tips to take their writing to the next level and avoid classic pitfalls.
'Common mistakes'
In this workshop, we use several sample sentences to look for common − but not always noticeable − language and stylistic errors. We try to find and correct them together so that you can detect them afterwards too in your own writing

'Presentation: tips & tricks'
As a university student, you most likely will have to give a presentation or speak in front of an audience now and then. Do you have difficulties getting your message across clearly to an audience? Do your nerves play tricks on you when you must speak in front of groups? In this workshop, you will receive some tips on how to improve your presentation skills.
Bachelor’s and master’s thesis
Writing a bachelor's or master's thesis is a big step. Don't worry, we will guide you through the entire process.
Finding a topic
During this workshop, we will help guide you in your search for a topic for your bachelor's or master's thesis. What do you ask a (potential) promotor and how do you prepare for an interview with said (potential) promotor? What do you include in your research proposal? How do you choose a topic from a list or how do you come up with a reasonable one yourself? How do you produce a research proposal?
The step-by-step plan
We shed some light on the different steps of research and help you start your own research. How do you construct the style and format of your text? How do you formulate a clear research problem with corresponding research questions? What is the difference between sources and literature? How do you choose the right research method?
The writing proces
Sign up for this workshop if you would like to take a closer look at your writing process. Do you use "I" or "we" when writing? How do you incorporate the reader into your story? How do you reason your choices? How do you structure your text? How do you reference and cite? How do you avoid plagiarism?

Optimize your study strategies
'Active and strategic study'
How do you determine your approach for a specific subject? How do you process a large amount of study material? How do you remember the subject matter and what is the importance of repetition? In this workshop, you will get answers to questions about your study strategy and how you can best approach it.
How to make successful exams? Together we will get to work and ensure a successful exam period.
Become an exam expert
How many hours a day should you study? When should you start? In this workshop you will learn how to make a tailor-made exam planning and you will learn how to prepare yourself for the upcoming study period: how to study for an open book exam, what method do you use to fill out a multiple choice exam? Be sure to bring your exam schedule with you.
'Oral exams'
Are you wondering how to best prepare for an oral exam? What should you do in case you don’t know the answer to something during the exam? How do you control your stress levels during the exam. No oral exam will hold secrets from you any longer after this workshop.
Do you want to participate in a workshop? All dates can be found in the calendar of the student portal. There you will also find information on how to register. You log in with your VUB mail address.