Looking for a tutor?
Are you having trouble with a certain course or are you looking for extra support from a tutor who can also help you with your study method and/or planning? Do you have to write a paper and need some tips or someone who can read your text? Or maybe you just need someone to help you fit in in general? To help you find your way within our academic community?
Request a tutor
Submit your request before the deadline.
- First semester: 1 December
- Second semester: 1 May
- Second session: 15 July
Questions? Contact guidance@vub.be.

Which tutors are there?
When requesting a tutor, you can choose from one of the following:
MILO tutors
MILO tutors are students who have tutoring in their curriculum. These can be students from the teacher training programme or students who are taking the elective subject (Learning from individual students). This service is free.
Study Guidance (SBC) tutor
Study support tutors are students who are selected on the basis of their study results or after being suggested by the involved professors and their assistants. Their support is paid, at a maximum of 15 euros per hour.
Need financial support? Contact Social, legal and financial support.
Honours programme tutor
Honours programme tutors are students selected from the excellence programmes of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Solvay Business School or the Faculty of Psychology & Education Sciences. In this programme, they deliberately choose to include tutoring. This service is free.
Become a tutor
Are you looking for an extra income by doing a very satisfying job? Did you pass (one of) your courses with flying colors and do you feel like sharing that expertise? Are you an ace in mathematics or do you have a talent for languages or like to read papers? Or do you want to help a fellow student with their study method/planning or with academic/social integration? Then we could really use your help!
Need help with your application? Check out this video!
Questions? Contact guidance@vub.be.

Once registered, you will receive an invitation from Study Guidance for a mandatory intake interview. During this interview we will determine for which courses we can use your help. By submitting your candidacy, you agree that we may review your study results. They form the basis for the intake interview, together with your views on studying and tutoring.
- After this, broaden your knowledge through our training sessions and become an experienced Tutoring coach
- After 10 tutoring sessions you can request a Tutoring certificate. A nice extra on your resume!
Attention! Tutoring may be a student job as a domestic servant. More info on that can be found here.