Objective recruitment procedures
How can we avoid biases in the recruitment of new staff and apply objective promotion procedures in our university? We analysed our recruitment methods and applied evidence-based inclusive HR practices to evaluate our recruitment more objectively.
We organise workshops to spread inclusive recruitment practices throughout the university. We developed training courses for professional recruitment procedures, with a checklist and exercises for recognising bias using real-life examples.

Student jobs for underrepresented groups
One in three students at our university has a migration background, 4% have a recognised disability, and 23.5% of our students are international students. These three groups often need and benefit more than other students from a student job. Partly because they are more likely to experience discrimination in the labour market.
From now on, we want to allocate at least half of the student jobs at VUB to students belonging to these underrepresented groups. Amongst others, we try to reach a more diverse pool of candidates through the VUB Equality Network. We also monitor the progress of all departments within VUB in this area.