When can you go on exchange during your studies? 

Students can go on exchange during bachelor year 3 or master year 1.

Application for the exchange happens during the first semester of the academic year prior to the intended exchange period. This applies to:

  • Students in BA2 (or combining BA1 and BA2)
  • Students in BA3 (or combining BA2 and BA3)
  • Students in a bridging programme (‘schakelprogramma’)
  • Students in a preparatory programme (‘voorbereidingsprogramma’)

Conditions to go on exchange

To see if you are eligible to go on exchange (grade-wise & based on acquired ECTS), please contact your Exchange Coordinator.

How to apply for an exchange?

More information about the application process can be found in the following presentations:


Application process

  1. Select your top 3 destinations
  2. Provide the following documents: Letter of motivation, Results of previous years (transcript of records)
  3. Fill out the online form indicating your 3 preferred destinations, also mentioning your study programme (and language module) and study year.
  4. Students who apply for a non-EU destination must email their choice destination (with a backup, EU destination) to exchange.outgoing@vub.be with their exchange coordinator and mobility.lw@vub.be in CC.

When more students apply than the number of places available at a specific destination, the selection will be based on the overall results and letter of motivation.

Application deadline

  • Deadline EU destinations: fill in the online form by 21 December 2023. 
  • Deadline non-EU destinations: email your choice destination and backup before 10 December 2023.

For questions, please get in touch with us on mobility.lw@vub.be 


Exchange coordinator

Head coordinator & General contact person TTKA: Geert Crauwels

The list of language coordinators:

  • Geert CRAUWELS (TTKA – DE - main coordinator)
  • Mathieu VAN OBBERGEN (TTKA – DE)
  • Laura ROSSEEL (TTKA – NL)
  • Guillermo SANZ GALLEGO (TTKA – ES)
  • Philipp KRAMER (TTKA – FR)

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact mobility.lw@vub.be.


Students can go on exchange to the following destinations: