Admission requirements
On this page you will find an overview of eligibility criteria, application deadlines, the application process, and tuition fees. In general, all applicants need to have completed a 180 ECTS academic bachelor's degree or its equivalent in a discipline relevant to urban studies. Proof of fluency in English is also required.
Which degree is required?
Applicants are eligible for the MSc in Urban Studies if they have completed a 180 ECTS academic bachelor's degree or its equivalent in geography, planning, architecture, history, criminology, political science, sociology, demography, media and communication studies, cultural studies, or a similar discipline. Prospective applicants with a degree from a field not mentioned above should contact us. Please explain how your degree has helped prepare you for the MSc in Urban Studies and provide more information on the specific coursework you have undertaken (including transcripts of your course units). Students who have not completed their undergraduate degree at the time of applying but will do so before the enrolment deadline are also eligible. In such cases offers of admission are conditional, meaning that successful completion of an undergraduate degree must be demonstrated before the offer of admission can be finalised.
What are the language requirements?
All prospective students need to provide proof of sufficient knowledge of English. This proof can be provided by presenting a language test or a certificate from your home institution that your language of instruction is/was English. You should meet one of the following criteria: i) having a diploma of secondary or higher education where English was the language of instruction; ii) having completed one of the following language proficiency tests corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference with minimum level B2:
- TOEFL iBT with minimum level: 79
- IELTS with minimum level: academic module 6.5
- ITACE with minimum level: B2
- Cambridge English Qualification Scale with the following minimal level: B2 First (FCE) with minimal score 170
Certificates and other proof of language tests may not pre-date the first enrolment by more than five years. Only the language tests mentioned above are accepted. No exceptions will be granted.
Are there any other conditions?
Please see our dedicated MSc Urban Studies website for further details: http://www.masterurbanstudies.eu.
If you hold a foreign diploma (non-Belgian degree), you have to consider additional administration. Let us guide you through the most important steps:
Apply now!
Are you convinced and want to apply? Allow us to take you through the steps of the application and enrolment process as swiftly as possible.
If you need help during the application and enrolment procedure, don't panic. You will find an overview of eligibility criteria, application deadlines, the application process, and tuition fees. For more information, please contact the programme coordinator of the MSc in Urban Studies.