Which documents do you need?
Check this overview to find out which documents you need to apply at VUB
The requirements depend on the type of programme you're applying for, and there are some extra's for Chinese citizens and students with a Dutch diploma. Down below you can find more detailed information on what exactly we expect for each different document.
Bachelor programme
Students with an equivalent secondary degree
Check the list of equivalent secondary school certificates
- ID card (front and back) or passport
- Recent picture for your student card
- High school diploma*
- Transcript of records* - Official document with signature and stamp from the school or with digital verification
- Proof of language proficiency (if applicable)
* we need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment (including the type of curriculum and/or stream)
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain (in the original language + translated)
Students with a different secondary degree
Not in the list of equivalent secondary degrees (see above)
- all of the documents mentioned above +
- Motivation letter
(Advanced) Master programme
General required documents
- ID card (front and back) or passport
- Recent picture for your student card
- Higher Education diploma*
- Transcript of records* - Official document with signature and stamp from the school or with digital verification
- Proof of language proficiency (if applicable)
* we need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment (including the type of curriculum and/or stream)
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain (in the original language + translated)
Extra documents for each programme
- all of the documents mentioned above +
- Motivation letter (recommended length: 1page A4)
- 2 recommendation letters
(check your programme's admission requirements to see if this applies to you)
EEA citizens
- ID card (front and back) or passport
- Recent picture for your student card
- Higher Education diploma*
- Transcript of records* - Official document with signature and a stamp from the school or with digital verification
- Proof of language proficiency (if applicable)
* we need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment (including the type of curriculum and/or stream)
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain (in the original language + translated)
Non-EEA citizens
- all of the documents mentioned above +
- Motivation letter
PhD (Doctorate)
Graduated from a non-Flemish institution?
- ID card (front and back) or passport
- Recent picture for your student card
- Research topic, research proposal and research plan
- CV
- Diploma + transcripts of records of your master programme*
- Transcripts of records of your bachelor programme**
* we need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
** Only required for the faculty of Engineering or Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment (including the type of curriculum and/or stream)
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain (in the original language + translated)
Dutch diploma (Netherlands)
Extra documents required from students with a Dutch diploma
(from the Netherlands)
- Digital DUO certificate of your diploma ("Uittreksel Diploma") - this may replace the regular diploma document
Chinese citizens
Extra documents required from Chinese citizens
- APS-certificate (more info) - doesn't need to be uploaded during the application process, but will be requested from you once you have been accepted.
- CHSI verification report of your graduation certificate and your diploma certificate (may be uploaded instead of the regular diploma document)
Continuing education
General required documents
- ID card (front and back) or passport
- Recent picture for your student card
- Higher Education diploma*
- Transcript of records* - Official document with signature and stamp from the school or with digital verification
- Proof of language proficiency (if applicable)
* we need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment (including the type of curriculum and/or stream)
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain (in the original language + translated)
Refugee students
Refugee students who don't have access to certain documents or are unable to obtain new copies, are advised to try and complete their application file as much as possible. Additional documents can be requested and we can also help find alternatives for missing documents if necessary. In the rare case where no other solution can be found, the special procedure listed in the Teaching and Examination Regulations (article 29) must be followed.
Adding documents later
During the application process there are several documents to be uploaded. Not everyone needs every document to apply.
Add missing documents after your application
Have you already submitted your application, but do you still wish to add documents? E-mail them to admissions@vub.be and mention your full name and the application number, so we can add them to your file. The sooner we have all your documents, the quicker we can process your application. Once they are sent in, please be patient until we process your e-mail. Each time you send a reminder, your e-mail goes to the end of the queue, delaying our answer.
Make sure all required documents are sent in before the application deadline or your application won't be processed
- Exception - language certificate: Non-EEA students can send in the language certificate after the application deadline (31 March), and at the latest on 30 June (before 1 July).
- Exception - diploma: As long as you provide proof that you are in your final year (see below), you don't need your official diploma before the application deadline. You may confirm/verify your diploma once you obtain it, at which point you will be able to finish your enrolment at VUB (It's not possible to fully enrol before you have obtained your diploma).

Extra information
What exactly do we need?
Find out what each document means and what exactly we need from you. Not everyone needs every document to apply. Make sure to check which documents are required from you in the overview above.
Document quality requirements
We need clear scans or decent quality pictures of your full original documents. Make sure the entire document is clearly visible. Please make sure any document you send us has a stamp and signature or is digitally verifiable.
Unable to upload your document? Make sure the file size is a maximum of 4 MB and/or give your document a shorter file name.
Recent photograph
Please provide a recent picture
of yourself that we can use to verify your identity and create your student card.
We need your ID card or passport to verify your identity.
EEA students
Please provide a picture of your ID card, international passport or valid residence permit (front and back)
non-EEA students
Please provide a copy of your international passport (or Belgian residence permit if you already have one)
We cannot process your application without this document.
High School Diploma
We require your high school diploma if you applied for a bachelor programme.
If you apply for a master, advanced master, postgraduate or PhD programme, you may add this to strengthen your application but this is not compulsory.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment (including the type of curriculum and/or stream)
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain (in the original language + translated)
As long as you provide proof that you are in your final year, you don't need your official diploma before the application deadline. You may confirm/verify your diploma once you obtain it at the end of the academic year.
We need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
Higher Education
We require your bachelor and/or master diploma if you applied for a master, advanced master, postgraduate or PhD programme.
If you are in your final year (and you have not obtained your diploma yet), please provide an enrolment certificate drafted by the administration including:
- confirmation of current enrolment
- expected date of graduation
- title of diploma you will obtain
As long as you provide proof that you are in your final year, you don't need your official diploma before the application deadline. You may confirm/verify your diploma once you obtain it at the end of the academic year.
We need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
Entry exam for medical studies
Only required for students applying for the Dutch programme 'Geneeskunde'.
Students must provide proof that they attended the compulsory entry exam for medicine, organised by the Ministry of Education (you will get this document when you attend the exam). Our admissions team will then check if their test results are adequate.
More info about the Medicine entry exam
If you want to apply before the entry exam has taken place, because you want to apply for VUB student housing, you can upload an empty pdf or proof that you're registered to take the exam. That way you can continue with your application, and send in the proof of attendance later (via e-mail to admissions@vub.be).
Calibration test
Only required if the programme you're applying for requires a calibration test.
In this case, students must provide proof that they attended the calibration test (you will get this document when you take the test).
Calibration tests are never required for English programmes, only for a number of Dutch programmes.
Find out about calibration tests for Dutch programmes
If you want to apply before the calibration test has taken place, because you want to apply for VUB student housing, you can upload an empty pdf or proof that you're registered to take the test. That way you can continue with your application, and send in the proof of attendance later (via e-mail to admissions@vub.be).
Language certificate
Every student must prove that they have sufficient skills in Dutch or English (depending on the language of instruction of each programme)
More about the language requirements and how to prove sufficient skills
Previous education
To prove you have studied in the language of instruction before, please make sure the language of instruction (from you previous studies) is stated clearly on the document(s) you provide, or request extra documentation (with stamp and signature) from your previous school to prove this. In this case you don't need to add extra documentation in this section, as our admissions team will see from your diploma that you meet the language requirements.
Language test
If you are proving sufficient skills with a language test, please provide the official test results in this section.
Still waiting for your language test (results)? No problem: you can submit your application without it and the faculty can already screen your file, but make sure to provide the required test results before the application deadline. Only Non-EEA students can send in the language certificate after the application deadline (31 March), and at the latest on 30 June (before 1 July). We don't send out conditional acceptance letters without the proof of language proficiency.
If you have a Belgian high school diploma
- Students with a Flemish high school diploma don't need this proof to apply for a Dutch or English programme.
- Students with a Walloon high school diploma don't need this proof to apply for an English programme. They do need it to apply for a Dutch programme.
Transcript of records
Please provide all academic results from your previous education.
That means we need all academic results from your previous programme. If you are in your final year, please provide all available results you've obtained in the programme so far. We need an official document with a signature and a stamp from the school or with digital verification.
We need the original as well as a certified translation if these documents are not in English, Dutch, French or German.
Recommendation letter 1 & 2
Only required if you're applying for a(n) (Advanced) Master programme
- Except for the Master of Management and Communication Studies (no recommendation letter required)
- If you apply for a science program (Biology, Geography, etc) this must be written by an academic
- For other programmes it's best to have this written by someone who was your superior or mentor in an academical or professional context (teacher, employer, supervisor,...).
This letter must be signed and stamped.
Submitting the recommendation letter(s)
Preferrably you upload the recommendation letter yourself through the online application tool. If the recommender wants to submit the letter confidentially, they can exceptionally e-mail it directly to admissions@vub.be.
Motivation letter
Only provide this if it's required
Check which documents you need
Please provide a comprehensive motivation about why you want to study at the VUB and why you want to apply for a specific program. You could also describe your future plans, explaining the importance of the program in this regard. Important elements could be:
- Why do you want to study at the VUB?
- Why do you want to apply for a specific program?
- Describe your future plans and the importance of the program in this regard
- What knowledge or skills are you hoping to acquire by attending the program?
- How will you use the knowledge you have acquired upon returning to your country?
- How will it fit in with your present or future professional position?
- How will you transfer the acquired knowledge upon returning to your country?
- Who will benefit from your knowledge?
We advise a motivation letter of about 1 page in length.
Research proposal
Only required for PhD applicants
Please provide your research topic, research proposal and research plan.
Please provide your CV or resume
Credit- or exam contract
This document is only required if you're applying for a credit- or exam contract. Most students are enrolled with a regular 'diploma contract' and don't need to provide this document. If you want to follow courses from different faculties, you must have a form signed per faculty. Without this document your application for a credit- or exam contract will not be processed.
Credit contract
If you applied to study under credit contract, please provide us with the following filled out form
Credit contract form
Exam contract
If you applied to study under exam contract, please provide us with a filled out form
It is important to find the name of the course, the catalog number, the semester and the faculty.
Find this information in the course outline
Guest student request
This document is only required if you're applying as a guest student at VUB.
If you want to follow courses from different faculties, you must fill in a separate form per faculty. Without this document your guest student application will not be processed.
It is important to fill in the correct name of the course, the VUB catalogue number, the semester and the faculty.
Find this information in the course outline
Translating documents
Documents don't need to be translated if they are available in English, Dutch, French or German.
Of documents in other languages, we will need the original as well as a certified or sworn translation. Certified or sworn translations are the work of professional translators who have taken an oath before the court. These certified translators sign and apply their stamp to the translation, the so-called "certification". They also include a declaration of certification to officialize the translation.
Documents don't need to be legalised for your application.