Doubting your study choice

If you are doubting your study choice and you are thinking of doing something else, please know that you can always contact Study Guidance

Give it some thought

Making a new study choice isn't easy. Maybe you already have an idea of what you want to do next, maybe you don't. Maybe you're even thinking about not studying at all? Whatever you want to do, changing your studies is an active, dynamic process not to be rushed. 

Use this infographic for help with this

The student psychologists are here to help you with your study choice. 

2022_Infopunt studenten tijdens infodag_24 april_Etterbeek_VUB
Want to start in the second semester?

That's possible in certain programmes if you apply with a Belgian diploma. Find out all about your specific study path, how to apply and the tuition fees for a semester.

Starting in February

Ready for a new study programme

When you change study programme, it is important to be well informed. Especially about the threshold, the study progress rules, the calibration tests for certain programmes, the impact on your learning account, ... 

If you want to start a different programmes at the VUB, you will find the necessary information on the pages below. You can also contact the study path counsellor of your new study programme. 

A different study programme at VUB

You can find an overview of all programmes at VUB on this page. You can use the filter to see all programmes per study level.  You will also learn all about our courses at our open days during the info sessions.

Current VUB students can also use this Canvas module to select their new study programme.

If you obtained credits in one programme and are planning to switch to a similar programme or if you have questions about your learning account, your individual study path, your threshold or possible exemptions you can contact the study path counselor of your new programme.

If you want to start a different VUB study programme at the start of the second semester, it is important that you contact the study path counselor of your new programme. You may not be able to register for all second semester courses within the standard course load. Based on the relation between your old and new programme, we can decide whether you should terminate your current programme or not. So please wait for advice from your study path counselor before you terminate your programme.

Be aware: Your VUB account will be shut down when you terminate your studies
Make sure your new application is in order and your new enrolment is finished before you deregister (if your study path counselor advises you to do so).

Impact of changing studies

You're staying at VUB

Are you staying at VUB? Be aware that changing from one VUB programme to another might have implications for your tuition fee, child benefits, scholarship and learning account.

Impact on tuition fees

Impact on your tuition fees if you stay at VUB

  • Changing your programme at the VUB is possible without incurring additional tuition fees if you do this before 1 December.
  • In case you only started in the second semester you can change programmes without incurring additional tuition fees before 1 March.

Attention! If the credits of your new programme exceed your initial number of credits, additional tuition fees will be charged.

Impact on child benefits

Impact on your child benefits if you stay at VUB

If you start another VUB programme, this may affect your entitlement to child benefits. For more information on this matter, you can contact Social legal & financial support or your child benefits institution.

Impact on scholarships

Impact on your scholarship if you stay at VUB

If you start another VUB programme, this may affect your entitlement to your scholarship from the Flemish Community. For more information on this matter, you can contact Social legal & financial support or your scholarship institution.

Impact on learning account

Impact on your learning account if you stay at VUB

Find out all about your learning account and what the consequences might be if you choose to change or terminate your studies.

Learning account

Impact on threshold

Impact on your threshold if you stay at VUB

Find out all about your threshold and what the consequences might be if you choose to change or terminate your studies.

Study progress

A different programme at a different Flemish institution

At Erasmushogeschool Brussel (EhB)

VUB and Erasmushogeschool Brussel are both part of the UAB (Universitary Association Brussels). EhB organises info sessions for those interested. Students wanting to start in the second semester can take a look here

Somewhere else

On the website you can find all programmes offered in all higher education institutions in Flanders. On the website of the universities or colleges you will also find the information you seek. You can also check Onderwijskiezer.

Everyone interested in Flemish higher education is also welcome at  Leerwinkel Brussel, for info on the Dutch speaking education offer in Brussels and you can get help in making a study choice. 

Some tips: 

  • Get informed about your new study programme by contacting the study path counselor of the institution you want to switch to. This is extra important when the academic has already started. 
  • Terminate your studies at VUB. After the end of the academic year you don't have to fill in an online form, it suffices not to re-enrol in the VUB programme.
  • Enrol in your new programme following the application procedure of your new institution. For the registration of your courses, it is best to contact the study path counselor of your new programme.

Terminating your studies

You want to quit your studies but don't know what to do yet? 

Terminate your studies

Maybe you want to take a break and do something different? Get some advice or inspiration from these services and organisations: