I want to know more about
Enrolment requirements
- Go through the following page about composing your individual study path (ISP).
- Check the enrolment requirements for your programme.
- Put together your individual study path via this handy online tool!
Attention! Before you can take courses of the third bachelor year, you first have to indicate your profile choice. To do this, fill in this form (Dutch only). Once the faculty has processed your choice, you can register for courses of the third bachelor year via Student Selfservice.
Educational Sciences Agogische Wetenschappen Onderwijskunde Psychologie
Programme changes
Programme changes may take place annually. Some of them are rather limited (e.g. a change of title of a course) and have no further impact on your study path. Others are more drastic (e.g. changes in the number of credits, merging of two courses, creation of a new course...) and can have an impact on the further course of your study programme or year programme.
Programme changes(Only in Dutch)
Spreading scenarios
Working students
Are you a working student and do you want to spread your studies over several academic years?
Check out our spreading proposals
First year students
First year students can apply for an exception to the standard path in certain situations. Find out who is eligible for a reduced course load and check the spreading scenario for your programme.
Elective course at VUB
Curious what it is like to study at another university? Of course you could go on an exchange abroad! But for those who find this too big a step, we have an alternative. As of academic year 21-22, both Bachelor and Master students in Psychology can exchange subjects with ULB. In this list (Dutch only), you can find out from which subjects you can choose.
You can apply for such a course exchange using this form (Dutch only). Send it to the faculty secretariat and we will take care of the administration.
Study path exceptions
Do you want to apply for an exception to your study path?
There are several ways in which the study path counselors can help you.
Do it yourself!
Before you contact us, you can start with these handy tools:
- Do you have a question about your individual study path? We gathered all information on this webpage.
- Do you have a combined enrolment? Check out this webpage.
- Put together your own individual study path via this online tool.
- Do you have binding conditions? Then complete this reflection tool.
- Check out the tips and tricks from Study Guidance on our Canvas page.
Info sessions
- Dutch session: "If you still have courses to finish from a lower year and already want to take courses from a higher year"
Register for an info session
You can find the slides of the presentation here (only Dutch):
Infosessie Praktijkstage na afstuderenInfosessie Doctoreren Infosessie profiel Klinische Psychologie Infosessie profiel Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie Infosessie Educatieve Master Psychologie Infosessie Zij-instroom
The study path can be reached via the same e-mail address. Behind the scenes, your question will be assigned to the right person. Please state your student number and programme for smooth processing.
Meeting Point Study Guidance
If you have a general question about your study path or about the various guidance possibilities offered by Study Guidance, pop into the Meeting Point! You can drop by without an appointment. Check the opening hours.
Individual appointment
Need an individual appointment? Click on booking links of one of the study path counselors below. If you have questions about your course registration, please do not make an individual appointment, but contact us at studypath.pe@vub.be.
Who is who?
Do you want to reach a specific study path counselor? Be sure to check who can help you with your programme and how and when you can reach them.

Inge Van Mol

Katelijne Verbeiren