
You can (only) request an exception for:
  • Apply and enrol for a programme after the deadline of 30/09 (semester 1) and 28/02 (semester 2)
    (only possible for students with a Belgian degree)
  • Register or deregister for courses after the deadline of 15/10 (year courses and courses semester 1) or 28/02 (courses semester 2)
    (does not apply for 1st year Bachelor students)
  • Exceeding the maximum amount of ECTS or credits 
    => You want to take on more than 72 credits OR you want to take on more than 60 in case of binding conditions in your Bachelor programme
  • Overruling blocking pre- and corequisites of a programme after deadline 15/10 or 28/02 (semester 2 courses)
    (does not apply for 'advisory pre- and corequisites')
  • Combining a base programme with (part of) a master programme => combined enrolment
    Only if you still have more than 30 credits to finish from your base programme.
  • Deregistering for unpassed compulsory courses
    From 2024-2025, you will be automatically enrolled for compulsory courses that you took last year but did not pass. If you are in exceptional circumstances and wish NOT to include these courses in your curriculum this year, you can apply for an exception 


Deviate from course load 1st Bachelor

Students who enrol for a specific Bachelor programme for the first time, will automatically be registered for all the 1st year courses. If you want to deviate from this compulsory course load, you can do so under certain conditions:

You can request a deviation to the standard course load of the first bachelor year:

You want to register for higher year courses bachelor: 

  • Because you received exemptions for some of the first bachelor courses
    => Check this page for transfer students
    => Apply for exemptions. Once exemptions have been added to your profile, you will be able to register for additional courses up to 72 ECTS credits. Filling up your course load with second or third bachelor courses is only possible when you have registered or passed the first bachelor courses. 
    => Make sure to check which courses are part of your threshold.
Special statuses that qualify for deviation course load 1st Bachelor
  • Working students combining their studies with employment of at least 80h/week.
  • ReFlex status: Students with a disability, a learning disorder and refugees.
  • Student athletes
  • Student-entrepreneurs
  • Scholarship beneficiaries combining studies with employment of at least 16h/week
  • Reorientation: Students changing study programmes during the course of the academic year (at VUB or another school).

Request exception

If you wish to deviate from the rules while composing your individual study path, you must provide a motivated exception request.

Your faculty's dean will judge your request and decide whether the exception is or isn't allowed. You will be notified via e-mail once a decision is made.

Online request form

Want to deviate from the compulsory course load of the 1st Bachelor based on a special status or because you've already obtained a Bachelor or Master?

You don't need to fill out the exception form and can follow the guidelines below to indicate your status in the Student SelfService and manage your own courses. After the course registration deadline this is no longer possible and you will have to motivate your request by filling out the online form.
How does this work?

Please note

There's a good reason certain deadlines and conditions are in place. They are there to make sure all students get their administration in order on time, and that they can follow their study path under optimal circumstances. Every exception request requires extra time and effort from our staff, and can also put extra pressure on the student. For example you miss a lot of classes if you start after the deadline, or you take on too much work by exceeding the recommended study programme, lowering your chances to succeed. So make sure to consider the consequences before you request an exception.

There is never a guarantee that your request will be approved.

We will process your request as fast as we can, and once a decision is made, you will be notified via e-mail.

Deviate from compulsory course load

All students starting a new Bachelor programme for the first time are automatically registered for all the courses in the study programme. If you qualify to deviate from this compulsary course load due to a special status or because you've already obtained a Bachelor or Masteryou can request an exception for this. After the course registration deadline this is no longer possible and you will have to motivate your request by filling out the online form.

Want to deviate from the compulsory course load of the 1st Bachelor based on special circumstances?

=> You cannot follow these guidelines and must fill out the exception request form above. 

Step 1 - Adjust course load


Go to the Student SelfService and log in with your VUB-account. You shouldn't be able to register courses via the 'Manage classes' tile.

First select the tile 'Adjustment course load year 1'.

PLEASE NOTE: Don't do this if your automatic course registration isn't in order yet. This happens within 24 hours after you sign your enrolment contract. Wait until you see the courses appear in the SelfService to request an adjustment or exception.

Step 2 - Why do you want an exception?

Here you can indicate why you think you can request to deviate from the compulsory course load. Use the blue info button to get more information about each statute. You can only select one statute for your request. You can then confirm your selection on declaration of honour, and you won't be able to cancel the request afterwards. Our staff will verify your indicated status afterwards.

Once you confirm this, you can use the tile 'Manage classes' to register or deregister classes.


Spreading proposals

New Bachelor students who wish to deviate form the compulsory course load can check out these spreading proposals for each faculty and programme. These are just proposals, and if you want to discuss a tailored trajectory you can contact you faculty's study path counselors.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School

Business Economics 
Social Sciences

Faculty of Languages and Humanities

Bachelor  Linguistics and Literary Studies

Dutch programmes

Check the spreading proposals for Dutch programmes