Special guest: activist and security analyst Chelsea Manning
Friday, May 6, 2022 — CPDP starts with its Opening Night on the evening of May 22, and the full conference on May 23. The big theme: What does the future hold in store for data protection, after the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed our use of technology? Policymakers, lawyers, academics, consultants, privacy activists, civil society, artists, and journalists from around the world will meet for the fifteenth edition of CPDP, the leading conference on privacy and data protection in Europe.
Opening Night Sunday, 22 May 2022, 18:00, Area 42, Rue des Palais 46
- Panel 1: Privacy against Power
Professor Bart Preneel, Nym CEO Harry Halpin in discussion with activist and security analyst Chelsea Manning
- Panel 2: Vulnerable Individuals in the Age of AI Regulation
The official opening event hosted by the Brussels Privacy Hub
Monday, 23rd May 2022, 10:30 –
Press Conference with Chelsea Manning at the start of CPDP.
Monday, 23rd May 2022, 8:30 – Wednesday, 25th May 20:00
CPDP Conference takes place.
As in previous years, CPDP will offer three days of groundbreaking talks and side events in the crucible of the digital and political field. CPDP2022 foresees more than 80 panels and 400 speakers, offering topical debates in the fields of information technology, privacy, and data protection.
The topics of the sessions vary from socio-technical risks of artificial intelligence and the EU's proposed regulation of AI through the AI Act, online manipulation of data and dark patterns, perspectives on international data flows and trans-Atlantic data agreements, privacy, data protection, digital infrastructures and much more. New this year is CPDP Global, a fully online track on Tuesday 24th May spotlighting global developments in data protection privacy.
CPDP also organises a series of side events including the Opening Event with Chelsea Manning and the opening panel organised by Privacy Salon, Nym Technologies and the Brussels Privacy Hub. As in previous years, artists, students and activists will come together to offer new perspectives and ways of engaging with the most pressing questions in today’s digital world.